Moving On

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There was a time when I didn't think I would make it past 18 let alone be turning 21 in a couple of days. A fully grown adult, of course in Australia that doesnt mean much. To me it means everything. just three more days and I will be totally free from my past. I know that sounds dramatic but I can't legally sell off my parents company until I turn 21. Its the last aspect that keeps me chained up to the horrors of my past. Although my mother, I hate calling her that, lost her rights to the company when she was branded a fugitive. Although I fear they have stopped looking for her, as she has immense resources.

In 3 years and my life has changed so much, I moved away to the peaceful country. Got myself a big piece of land far away from the growing population. With my beautiful German Shepard, Roxy. I feel safe. Although my memories and past still haunt me. That's why I lost touch with you after school, I explain.

"I understand that and I gave you the time but we grew up together and I don't want to lose us. I should have come after you earlier but I didn't know what to say or how to act. But I realise now that all I needed to do was be there for you and I wasnt. I cant say how truly sorry am for that."

"Dont be sorry for a long time I was angry at the world and everyone. It took me down a dark path and I got into a lot of trouble for it. I am glad you werent around me when I was like that because I ruined everything in my path during that time. You didnt deserve to be treated like that. That Amelia is gone."

"Well, I am glad to see you have cleaned up and made a happy life for yourself. Speaking of which any lucky girls around" she jokes to change the subject.

"Nah, I am steering clear of relationships for much longer, how about you any lucky guys?"

"Um yes actually, do you remember Lewis?"

"Wait that class clown that was three-year levels above us?"

"Yes, the very guy."

"Does he make you happy?"

"He makes me so happy, actually we are looking at moving in together."

"Are you still going to travel?"

"Yeah, we plan to rent so when we decide to travel it easier."

"Lovely, I am happy for you. Do you want to come for a walk? We always loved those."

"Definitely, I want to see you place, I didn't pay much attention on the way in, I was too nervous to see you."

"I am still working on it but it has come a long way since I bought it a year ago."

"Do you have pictures from when you first purchased it?"

"Yes, I do, here I'll pull them up on my phone." I say to her as I find the house pictures.

For the next few hours, I showed her my property and explain my plans while we continued to catch up for lost time.

"It is getting late; did you need to head back down to Melbourne tonight or did you want to stay the night? It is almost Roo hour."

"I was just going to stay somewhere in town." She replies.

"Well you have a open offer to stay here but I understand if you don't want to, considering all that happened in my last house." I whisper the last part while looking away. Roxy senses that I am upset, and rises from her spot in front if the fireplace and jumps up onto the couch, placing her head in my lap.

"Oh no, it has nothing to do with that, I didn't know what kind of welcome you were going to give me after all this time. I would love to stay."

"Lovely I have some left over fried rice that I was going to have, if you dont mind having left overs."

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