The big shart 👁👅👁

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It was the first day of highschool Freshman year to be exact. Y/N's doo doo brown orbs don't glow in the sunlight like they would in middle school Y/N.......IS AN EMO. They walk up to Nicki Minaj High and they already know when they hear Super bass by Nicki Minaj blasting they are going to be the main character. After they get into school they see their ex's Simon Cowell, Shrek, and Mr.Clean their besties Shawty bae and Shawty boo (Madison and Lana 😍😍) walk into school and they see y/n standing all by themself staring at their ex's. Bestie, shawty bae said, get over those losers they're all only 8'9. Find a guy who is 14'9 those are the really hot guys 🥰🥰🥵🥵🥵. Yuh said shawty boo in response. O-o-o-o-O-o kay, I'll try 🥺🥺.

Science class
Y/n's first period of the day is science and on that faithful day they met the love of their life in that class. His name was Ed Sheerio (Ed Sheeran) he had hair as orange as a carrot or an actual Orange. He was tall 15'2 and British. Her dream guy the only problem was he was probably rich and all she could ever be was the poor daughter that's half demon half horse half mermaid half manatee and the adopted daughter of the school janitor and the emo girl who in a crowd of people who listen to Nicki Minaj listens to My Chemical Romance because it's not a phase 🔒🔒🖤🖤⛓⛓💔💔 she was so Brocken inside until she met Ed sheerio and they became lab partners

Read on for chapter 2 to learn more about Y/N's life with New friends, old family, and Most important Eddy Boy 😘😘😛😛

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