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**A/N in this oneshot Lee Dong-Wook is himself, like celebrity Dong-Wook, but Y/N has never heard of him lol this story was inspired by the clip from the interview above where DW expressed the sentiment that he is not up to date with tech and he doesn't own a computer at home.**

Y/N is sitting at her computer, her eyes glazing over. Her boss is hosting yet another meeting that definitely could have been an email, and because she's already been in two of those today, she's about to fall asleep. Having the meetings on Zoom is even worse. She knows they have to, because they have employees in several different countries, but it's exhausting to look at the screen all day.

Her company transferred her to Korea two months ago. At first she was excited, because she'd never been, and the company was paying her a lot to relocate from [your home country]. But she didn't realize just how much harder it was going to be living over here. She's constantly busy, with no time to do anything but eat, sleep, and work. Not to mention that she hasn't really met too many people outside her coworkers, who are mostly older than her... it's lonely spending all her time in her apartment. 

She forces herself to stay awake until her boss says, "Alright, thanks for your attention everyone. Keep up the great work and have a fun Friday!" 

OMG, we're finally done! 

Y/N takes off her headphones and closes her eyes, relishing the silence. It doesn't last long.

"Aiiiish!" comes a shout from the unit across the hall. The door opens and then slams shut. Y/N can hear heavy footsteps heading down the corridor. 

She hasn't met any of her neighbours yet, and there's probably a reason why. Her company has put her up in an extremely expensive condo for her work assignment, and all of the people who live in the building are very private. She rarely sees a single person other than herself, but she sometimes hears them, so she knows they're there. She figures they're all very rich and important and don't like to be bothered.

Y/N, though, is not rich or important. In fact... she's curious, and bored. She puts on her flip flops that she wears whenever she needs to briefly step out, and opens her door a crack. No one is in the hall. She happens to glance up at the unit across from hers and notices that there's no number on the door. That's weird, she thinks. How do people know where to deliver things? 

She doesn't know what she'll even say, but she has nothing better to do. She closes her door softly and walks in the direction that she thought she heard the other person go.  

At the end of the hall, near the fire escape door, is a tall, lean figure. He's not facing her but is leaning against the door, his hands bracing his weight, his head hanging down in defeat. He hears the footsteps and turns around.

He looks at Y/N nervously, like he expects something from her. 

She blushes, if for no other reason than this stranger is incredibly handsome. His pale skin accentuates his other features even more: almost unnaturally red lips, and a head of thick dark hair that tickles the back of his neck; the front pieces fall over his long, fluttery eyelashes. Deep brown eyes set in heavy eyelids give him a sleepy appearance, but he's wearing an intense frown. 

"Annyeonghaseyo," Y/N greets him with a little wave. She smiles. "Hi, I'm Y/N." 

The stranger's eyes narrow for a moment, and he looks like he wants to say something, but he bites his lip instead and smiles kindly. "Annyeonghaseyo," he says finally, almost exasperatedly. His voice is warm and deep. "Please, I'm... I'm not dressed properly."

Y/N looks up at his casual gray sweater, black pants, and house slippers. "For... meeting me?"

The stranger's face is unreadable. He narrows his eyes and tilts his head to the side. "Yes?"

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