Our child |chapter 1|

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"Is that all you've got? no wonder you're always in second place" the slightly taller male teased as he dodged the man with the mask's attack.

"And no wonder you get no bitches with that mouth of yours," The man with the smiley mask countered back as he went in with the wooden sword trying to hit the other male's torso.

"That's funny coming from you Dream! Didn't you have Sapnap reject you 10 or 6 times? IN JUST ONE MONTH?" The other male recalled as he punched Dream in the stomach, causing him to fall back because of that dirty move.

"Techno! What did I say about hand-on-hand combat!" Phil yelled from the sideline as he watched from afar.

"Yeah yeah, whatever-" He gets cut off by Dream throwing a punch at his jaw causing him as well to fall back but quickly fixes his stance as he is shocked by what had happened but doesn't want to make himself look like a fool as that would affect his pride doing so.

"BEAT HIS ASS TECHNO!" Tommy cheered but shortly after getting smacked on the back of his head by Phil "I don't want to have to come in there and break it up" Phil yelled at Dream and Techno.

Dream and Techno began starring each other down as they were 10 inches away from each other.

Techno spat out a small amount of blood that came from his gum onto the ground. Dream smirked.

"Who would've thought, even the Bloodgod bleeds as well" Dream mocked as he turned away and walked back over to the weapon stand to place the wooden sword back in its original place.

Techno rolled his eyes.

Some background on the two rivals...

Dream's always been heat-headed since he was a child, especially when he didn't get his way. getting himself into trouble and being the cocky little bastard he was. but he always had his best friend by his side, Sapnap. Dream was always the best fighter in the valley until someone came along and in Dream's words "Ruined it all" They both first met at the age of 14 well, Techno was an age older than Dream.

They both competed in a combat sport known as The Arena, where contestants would fight each other to win the golden prize, Golden enchanted apples also known as The God apple, but only the best of the valley competed. Dream was familiar with everyone's faces as he had already fought with them out of the Arena, and as you might've guessed, Won every single one.

Right when Dream saw that Techno was competing, he was confused as hell as he'd never seen him in the valley before, But Dream didn't know Techno had connections with certain people. We can talk about Techno's past in another chapter ;)...

"Techno! What did I say about Dream, you know he has a temper and can't take a joke!.." Phil shouted with both of his fingers massaging the temples on both sides of his head. "Sounds like something he needs to figure out by himself " Techno laughed "Oh now Techno, you just sound like a hypocrite! because you were just like that when you were a youngen!" Phil added.

Techno squinted his eyes as if he was annoyed "But you don't see me sobbing over something completely small like a child, for example, Dream, He's like a baby that's gotten its candy taken away" Techno sassed back at Phil with his arms crossed.

Phil glared back at Techno with his arms crossed as well.

Techno rolled his eyes and turned his back to Phil as he was heading to the door "Make sure you take Dream with you to the Clinic. you both need to get patched up and get your wounds cleaned" Phil said as he tightened his robe "Hey Techno! I think you did amazing out there!" Tommy tried to lighten up the situation. But despite the acclaim, Techno didn't acknowledge his praise.

As Techno walks towards the door, it swings open revealing one of his friends, Alex. Techno shoves Alex out of the way as he gets through the door "Woah hey! I guess someone has their panties in a bunch...am I right.." Alex jokingly looked over at Phil with his hands up to see if he got a reaction. but unfortunately, he saw an upset Phil.


Techno walks down the colorful and bright yet empty hallway. with the heel of his boots echoing down the hall with a click-clack. he finally sees the door to the clinic at the end of the hall and goes for the handle but stops at the door as he hears Dream and the nurse Nikki, talking.

"And then I punched the shit out of him! had him on the ground begging for clemency!" Dream lied "Dream! what did I say about fighting Techno. seriously, one of you are going to get yourselves hurt!" Nikki said as she opened a cabinet full of all types of cleaning alcohol, pills, and liquid medicines.

She grabbed the bag of cotton swabs and rubbing alcohol, and then she proceeded to wet the cotton swab with the alcohol. She then walks back over to Dream sitting on the counter and tries putting it on the scratch of his Knee so it wouldn't get infected.

"Dream I need you to lift your pants leg so I can actually get a better view of the cut," Nikki said as she waited for him to do so with the wet cotton swab in her hand. "Ugh, he's just such an asshole, along with him and his annoying ass brother, Tommy."

Dream said out of annoyance as he lifted his pants leg. Nikki giggled, "Tommy's a sweet boy, he's just filled with a whole lot of energy." She said while placing the swab on the cut causing Dream to flinch and yelp "Ow!" Dream yelled.

The door to the clinic slides open revealing Techno, "You scream like a bitch." Techno said as he walked in and stood beside Niki "Fuck you.." Dream said as he looked away in embarrassment "You wish." Techno said as he scoffed with a smirk "Alright guys that's enough." Nikki said as she finished wiping down Dream's knee with the cotton swab and alcohol.

Dreams hops down off of the counter and glares at Techno through the mask but Techno could feel his glare so he stares back "Guys like I said, That's enough before I get Phil to come handle you guys" Niki says as she watches the two with her arms crossed.

"Where are the band-aids?" Dream asked as he broke his stare with the other male and began searching around the clinic. "They should be in the cabinet to your left" She assured Dream "Found em'! Thanks, Nikki" Dream said as he rushed out the door of the clinic, leaving Niki and Techno alone.

"So, what's wrong?" Niki asked Techno as she walked over to the trash bin throwing away the swab. "Just a bruise on my cheek and maybe a scratch," Techno said while pressing his hand on his face. "Oh Dream told me about that," Nikki said while walking over to her cabinet and grabbing the things she needed "Yeah, I heard" Techno admitted to eavesdropping on their conversation "Oh really?" Nikki said as she closed the cabinet and brought her things over to a counter where Techno stood near and set them down.

"FYI that was a load of bull shit he told you," Techno said as he rolled his eyes. "Oh, I could tell, you know how Dream is," Nikki chuckled while taking out another cotton swab and wetting it with Rubbing alcohol. "I Just wished you and he would get along really," She said while coming up to Techno "He's such a piss baby" Techno responded while squatting down to Niki's level because of the huge height difference "But, imagine you guys getting along. you'll both be like an unstoppable duo," Niki said as she took the swab to Techno's face.

"Key-word imagine," Techno said while air quoting. "Just saying, It's possible," she said.


Been trying to figure out on how I was going to drop this book, but I was just like I'll see if you guys like it...hopefully you guys do🫡

I will LOVE to continue this story anyways, you guys take care <3

PS - uh "certain people" will not be in this story as well so don't be surprised. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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