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Jungkook looked at Y/N with wide eyes as he tried to find something her eyes. Something which will tell her that she just pranking him. But he himself knows this that this is not a time for her to prank.

'Y-you are kidding right?'

'No I am not. Stay away from me mister.'

'Stay away from my daughter Jeon!'

Mrs. Lee said as she was about to drag Y/N away from Jungkook when another voice stopped them.



Mrs. Jeon and Mr. Jeon ran towards Y/N as they hugged her. Jungkook just cried looking at them thinking Y/N is still pranking maybe. Y/N quickly pushed them and stood behind Mrs. Lee as she said,
'W-who are you guys! Mom! Please tell them to leave from here! My head hearts!'

Mrs. Lee quickly made Y/N sit on the bench as the police and Mr. Lee came too. He was about to go towards Y/N when suddenly Jungkook grabbed his collar and pushed him hardly making him fell on the grass.

'I-I didn't do anything! And she is our daughter not your sister!'
'Sorry Mr. Lee but you, Mrs. Lee and Jeon Y/N have to come to the police station. We have a report against you and Jeon Y/N herself has admitted that she is Jeon Jungkook's twin.'
'I am Lee Y/N, why are you guys saying that I am Jeo-ahh!'

Y/N couldn't finish her sentence as her head burst in to too much pain making her faint after a few seconds. Jungkook quickly took her in a bridal style as he walked to the car hurriedly while his parents follow them from behind. The Lee's were shouting and saying to return their daughter but the police held them and took them to the police van. The police men had split in to two teams. One followed Jungkook's car with his bodyguards and another team took The Lee's to the police station.


Jungkook was walking here and there as he was praying to god to make his twin safe. Mrs. Jeon was continuously crying and praying as Mr. Jeon just comforted her while whipping his own tears. The rest of the boys also came after hearing what happened from one of the guards. Yoongi was about to enter the room when a nurse held him saying he can't go inside. He just huffed in anger and backed away from there and walked towards Jungkook. Jungkook told what happened as the guys were astonished to hear how Y/N was denying him as her twin.

'D-doctor how is my daughter!' Mrs. Jeon asked as she stood up from the chair and walked towards the doctor.
'Well, she is okay. There was no injuries so we don't know how she couldn't recognize anything. But we did some tests and the results will be coming after a few hours. Till then let her sleep. You guys can see her when she is awake but don't go too many people at a time.'

Everyone stood froze as they heard the doctor. A few days ago they were here, in this hospital, on the other floor, for Jungkook's operation and now they are here again for Y/N's unknown condition. 'I am going to buy some snakes, uncle, aunty and Jungkook needs something to eat. It's already past noon.' Jin said as he and Taehyung wen to the canteen.

Meanwhile the rest of them just stood there. Not too long, they heard the door open and saw a nurse. She came towards them and said,
'Ms. Y/N has woke up. She demanded only one person to go on the room.'
'Who?' Mr. Jeon asked.
'Jungkook Jeon.'
His parents sighed as they wanted to meet their daughter but they were okay with their son too. Jungkook didn't waste any time as he went inside the bedroom.
'Why did she called Jungkook when she said she doesn't know him?' Hoseok said.
'Ms. Y/N first wanted her parents but they were in the police station, so asked for the guy with black t-shirt which is Jungkook Jeon. She said she wanted to ask him if he knew her etc.' The nurse said as she walked away before bowing at the older ones.
'We should've left this city!' Mr. Lee murmured as his wife sighed.
'Yeobo our daughter will be okay right?'
'I don't know darling, she is now with that mouthf*ckers! Where is Jian! He said he would give the dose to her today! He didn't came! It's been only a few days since she forgot about the recent events! And now today after the Jeons created those scenes she said her head hurts, so I am a little bit afraid....'
'Me too-'
'MR. AND MRS. LEE! We don't have all day long! Just tell us what you guys did to Y/N!' The head officer said as soon as he entered the investigation room.
'We didn't do anything sir! Y/N is our daughter!'

Both Lee's were confused at why the officer was laughing. The officer turned on the TV where they could see the news channel where the reporters secretly took Y/N's video when she was screaming to let her be the donor of Jungkook and confessed that she is his twin.

'You both are not the mastermind of this game, you guys are a bunch of idiots! Removing her memories won't prove that she is your daughter! Thank god the reporters took the prove! So now you have no choice but to confess everything! Tell us why did you do this! The Jeons never sold their child then how did you adopted her? Where is her adoption paper or why is she living with you guys?! Who helped you to remove her memories? This is strictly prohibited until it's a order from high level of court! If you both don't say anything then-'
'Then you both will be in charged as a child kidnapper, child switching, making attacks on a Kpop idol, removing a person's memory without higher orders, false statement, raising a child without any adoption papers, helping the criminal who was behind you guys and many more....'

Another old officer came and interrupted the previous officer's words. He took a seat beside the officer and said again,
'You both may be sentenced for law 102, 103 and for child switching law 207 and others too which will make you stay behind the jail for minimum 10 years. Think about your real daughter Lee Ara. She will be seeded to the orphanage since it is too easy to see that nobody will adopt her. The Jeons would've did it if you guys didn't stood this low.'

Both of the Lee were now sweating. They only wanted their family back. Even if Y/N wasn't their own child but they loved her too much. Mrs. Lee did more since she didn't knew that Y/N wasn't her own child from the beginning but later. Mr. Lee bend forward and said,
'T-the person who did this was Ji-'

To be continued.......

T𝕙𝕖 Jeon Ƭwιɴs |𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚔𝚘𝚘𝚔 ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ 🄰🅄 ft. 𝔹𝕋𝕊|Where stories live. Discover now