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the picture is what his back looks like. ill describe him in more detail later. and you know wtf i look like so no need to describe myself. and YES. HE IS A WHITE MAN. SUCK MY DICK. can i also just say that this man is 6'1. oh my balls. anyway.

right so
im not writing this in the correct fashion. just suck my dick and get over it. imagine  its the pov of me writing in a diary or sum shit idk

It's Christmas day..afternoon actually. Everyone has gotten their presents and enjoyed breakfast and now we are all relaxing in our rooms with our gifts.

Mom is in the kitchen preparing dinner. She is not actually my mom. She's my boyfriend's mom, but I call her mom because I love her and because I like to pretend that he is my husband. Us calling each other husband and wife isn't uncommon and everyone had gotten used to it at this point.

In the living room Leo and I are watching tv when I feel a sudden urge to bring him upstairs. (might I add that I am wearing a skirt. dear god here we go.) I stood up from my spot on the couch and spoke. "Leo come with me." I said reaching a hand out to him. He didn't say anything he just obeyed and took my hand. I led him to his room and sat him at the end of his bed.

Straddling him on his lap and kissing him on the neck. "What are you doing? This is so sudden. I mean I'm not mad-" he's interrupted my lips crashing into his, silencing him. I broke our kiss leaving us only inches apart, "I want to try something. It's a little embarrassing but I think you'll like it." he looked confused but optimistic. "Sure, okay. I'm down for whatever." he smirked and I looked away bashful. I needed to keep my composure if I was to do this correctly. Taking a deep breath I continued to kiss his neck. Leaving hickeys all around his collar bone. His breathing became heavier when ran my hand up his shirt and against his toned chest, circling my index finger against his nipple. I could hear him holding in moans. I only laughed and continued, taking that same hand down further and reaching his slowly rising buldge. "I want to try teasing you..no- edging you." I said rubbing up and down against his..............length. (please. im going to kms.) "Oh I-.... I-" he stuttered, unable to form a full sentence. See the thing is, behind the sort of nice/tough guy front he puts on hes actually incredibly submissive. (he can be both) He was literally quivering under my touch.

I went faster pushing on his aching tip and biting his lip (barsyawning_face), I sent him over the edge.....and then I stopped. I stood up and stepped back. "Right! Well would you look at the time oh my goodness I have to go help Mom make dinner. Wouldn't want her to slave in the kitchen by herself." I beamed and walked over to the door. "But wait I haven't finished! I was so close, please baby don't leave me like this!" he pleaded and then remembered what I said, "Well shit. What the hell we gon do now." "I'm going to help with dinner and you are going to stay here. I hope I can trust you to not touch yourself while I'm gone. I want you to wait until I come back. Can you do that for me?" He laid back on the bed and sighed. "I'll do my best." As I left the room I could see him pouting. It hurt to leave him this way but I'm sure he'll be fine.

Mom greeted me as I walked in and I did the same. "Can you make that really good dressing you made the other day? I feel like that would really top off the meal." she asked. "I would be honored." I slightly bowed. (for some reason I bowed a lot idk.) I began to gather the ingredients and out cornbread in the oven.

I was chopping celery on one side of the island and Mom was washing potatoes on the other, her back facing me.

His pov:

I don't think I can do this anymore. Has it only been 10 minutes? Yes! But I have a had quite enough of this bullshit! I could just finish myself......but I don't want to disobey her especially since she really wants to try something new. Fucking hell. My dick hurts. This is racism. Dnc. Fuck that I'm going down there.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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