Act Your Age

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"Two drops of mahogany extract... and..."

Cedric uttered to himself, holding a flask of liquid on his left hand. Anticipating a drop just from the corner, he couldn't help but shake with nervousness

If this indeed works, then that would pay off all those sleepless nights that he had just to perfect the ingredients to make it work

Just a bit nudge left, and It was about to fall unto the vial.

When suddenly...

"Mr. Ceedric"

A sudden voice from behind took him by surprise, which shook the flask thoroughly, causing him to pour the entire formula unto the vial – which of course...

Exploded right on his face.

"Perhaps now would be a bad... time...?" The sly princess slowly mumbled with a subtle grin

The sorcerer then turned to her with his face all dark from the explosion, and hair disheveled all over the place.

"You think?"

An inappropriate giggle came out from the Princess's mouth, which she immediately covered with her hand. Cedric looked silly. With his face like that, he looks like a skunk!

"So you barge in on my important session, disrupt the most important part, and then laugh at my face afterwards?"

Sofia felt guilty now, she shouldn't have done that

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ceedric"

She twiddled her hands on her back as she looks at the pot "So what are you working on?"

The Sorcerer cleared his throat "A special potion that rushes through time and make plants grow faster. Hence, they can bear crops fast too"

"Wow, I didn't know you could do that?" Sofia's eyes widened of amazement

"Hah, you already know that there are so many things that I could do, Princess Sofia" Cedric proudly boasted "Try naming anything and I assure you that I'm capable of making a potion for it"

"Hmmm... let me think" Sofia's finger rested on her lower lip as she stared up top, indicating she was in deep thoughts "How about... a potion that can magically bring back the pieces of cake from my birthday party last year..."

Cedric gasped upon hearing this as he literally froze on the spot

"You know..." Sofia leaned in close with a smirk on her face "The same cake that you blew up last year with your oh-so-wonderful-spell!!"

"Okay okay... you got me" Cedric cringed on the spot as he swayed his hands in front. He was in distraught even trying to reminisce about the happenings of that event. He still hasn't moved on from the embarrassment, especially when it blew up on all over the place

"Seriously, Princess Sofia... Give me a break..."

The princess then heaved out a series of laughter as she embraced his back "I'm just teasing you, Mr. Ceeeeedric!!"

"Can you please tease me another day please?" Cedric huffed of annoyance "If you haven't noticed, I am kinda busy at the moment"

"Yeah... I noticed" a smile rests on her lips

"So, did you already master the spell that I taught you last time?" Cedric asked

"You mean the forgetting spell?" Sofia responded, taking out her wand in the process "Not yet there, but I've been practicing"

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