My Merlot Girl

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"Our King has returned home with his Queen!"

When King Adrian came back from searching for his Merlot Girl, he came home with the literal woman of his dreams. Immediately orders were sent to prepare a wedding of exquisite decor in colors of berry blue, burgundy, and brown accents. He believed he would find the girl who lived in his dreams; his Merlot Girl. And he did; the two of them existed in the same galaxy yet, only one knew the other existed.

Before their wedding, Adrian toured around the kingdom with his wife-to-be, showing a full display of his affection toward her. It was as if the once solemn yet dignified ruler had been bewitched. This change of personality sparked unease throughout the kingdom.

"Congratulations to Queen Kaleese and King Adrian!" Whoops and applause surrounded the two lovebirds.

The newlywed couple looked deeply into each other's eyes; the surrounding noise of excitement became muffled around them.

"My Merlot girl, you've made me the happiest man in this universe." Adrian whispered to her intimately, "I can't wait to take you to our room; behind sound-proof walls, where all your sounds will be honeyed music to my ears and mine alone."

Kaleese's cheeks burned a deep shade of red, almost like wine. "Oh Adrian, you intoxicating, loveable man! I can't believe this is happening." She cupped her hand on Adrian's face and then placed her forehead on his. Their love swelled throughout their bodies showing a hue of pink in the form of a tendril circling their silhouettes. Adrian sensed the swelling amount of love from her but he felt another emotion as well. Fear.

"What's the matter, my love?" He looked at her face and saw her cheeks begin to pale and her eyebrows start to furrow. "I-"

As she was about to respond a respectable noble from one of the dining tables came swaying forward and interrupted their conversation, asking loudly, "My dear King! Why don't you tell us how you two met?! I don't believe such folly rumors going around!" The music slowly came to a stop and the royal guests began to speak in hushed tones. A guard briskly walked to the side of the inebriated noble and swiftly escorted him out of the room to diffuse any further disturbance but not before people began to whisper.

As the drunken man was leaving the hushed tones became more audible.

"How did our King end up with a woman from Earth?"

"Did you see her neck? It bears the symbol of a wine glass; the same one our King has on his wrist."

"I have the same wine glass symbol as the King's! I should be his wife." A glamoured maiden spoke up.

Some dignified male with lavender lip-stain standing next to the haughty woman responded, "are you blind? That is not a wine glass! That is a mug of ale! Maybe your true love was the drunkard who was just kicked out of the reception, seeing as the both of you seem to enjoy ruining such a fine event with your inexcusable outbursts." Snickers rose from behind the pair. With a huff, the woman stormed and stumbled through the crowding guests in pursuit of the drunk noble. The king had yet to respond, and the guests continued to speak of the rumors, each one more ridiculous than the last.

"I heard that she's secretly a moon witch and she is almost a thousand years old!"

"Yes, I heard the same! I also heard she hides her weathered age by prowling in the dreams of fertile men stealing their vitality and using it as her own to sustain her life!"

The guests were in need of answers from their respected King. It was unheard of for an earth-dweller to reach their kingdom, let alone become a royal. The people were pleased that their King had found his true love, but many questions needed to be answered.

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