🌸 | 008. Taking Down Bo

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Book: Burn It Down
Chapter 8: Taking Down Bo
Word Count: 1522

Book: Burn It DownChapter 8: Taking Down BoWord Count: 1522

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The sound of a car starting up alerted them. Jacob looked towards the roof. "He's leaving." He mumbled. This guy didn't seem like the type to give up easily.

The three of them walked back up the stairs when they could no longer hear the car. "Alright stay here." Nick said to both his sister and his boyfriend. Jacob kept a hold of Carly, making sure she didn't pass out.

Nick looked out the see through garage door, seeing the man was gone. He went over to the tool box and picked up a wrench. "Alright, the car is by the road... Dalton's got the keys."

"Dalton..." Jacob trailed off. He could be in serious danger. "Nick, we have to call the cops!" He exclaimed.

Nick ran to the phone on the wall and put it to his ear, only too hear nothing come through. He threw the phone back towards the wall. "Shit!" He rubbed his hands over his head in frustration. He walked over to Carly and put his hands on her arms. "Hey, where is your cell phone?"

"It might be in the truck up near the house." She answered. "What about Wade? I think he has him to. What if he turns him to wax?"

"What do you mean wax?" Both Nick and Jacob looked at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"You don't get it! They're all wax, everyone!" She said with wide eyes.

Jacob didn't want to believe her. This couldn't be real. This was just some nightmare he was having. There was no way he was in some town with a psycho that turned people to wax. He put his hands on his face, wincing slightly when the wound on his shoulder rubbed against his jacket.

"No, wait." Carly mumbled. She made both boys follow her as they left the station and crossed the road. Jacob was quickly looking around in case the man decided to come back. "There was a woman in here." She said and gestured towards the house. "She was alive, she pulled the curtain back."

They moved over the fence and Nick tried to look through the curtains to see if he could find who Carly was talking about.

The curtain moved back when he wasn't expecting and he moved backwards with a yelp of surprise. Jacob looked at her, going to beg her to help them when he noticed there was something odd about her. She didn't look human. Carly was right, the people in this town were turned into wax.

This lady was rigged up to a machine that caused the figure to open the curtain every now and then. "The whole town is rigged." Carly stated with a gulp of fear.

"That's impossible." Nick said. He moved back towards the window, only for the wax figure to once again open and close the curtain. "You're saying that that's a real person? Underneath?"

"Yes! In the church they were all like that." Carly said. Jacob felt sick to his stomach and he turned around, trying to keep the vomit that wanted to come up down. This was so sick. "At least twenty more."

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