🌸 | 012. The House Comes Falling Down

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Book: Burn It Down
Chapter 12: The House Comes Falling Down
Word Count: 908

It was only the first couple steps that had melted so once they passed them, it was easier to move up the solid stairs

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It was only the first couple steps that had melted so once they passed them, it was easier to move up the solid stairs.

They got to the top of the stairs and Jacob leaned against the wall, hand clutched to his side as short puffs of breath left his lips.

Nick didn't wait for him as Carly came running out of a room screaming and he ran in, tackling Vincent to the wax bed. Vincent tried to stab him in the face but he blocked him. He lifted his hand, shoving it in Vincent's face and trying to push him off but Vincent just knocked his hand away.

This also caused the wax mask Vincent was wearing to fall away as well, showing his disfigured face. "Oh, shit." He breathed out and Vincent tried to stab him again. "Carly! Jacob!"

Jacob heard his name being called and he pushed off the wall, going into the room. He saw Nick on the bed and with the last bit of energy he had, he ripped the knife from Nick's leg, not having time to feel bad about it before he was stabbing that knife into Vincent's chest, making sure to dig it deep.

Nick kicked Vincent off of him and Vincent went flying to the floor, falling straight through since the floor was so melted.

The bed and floor the other three were on caved in as well and they fell to the first floor. Luckily, Jacob landed on the side that wasn't hurt.

Both Nick and Carly put one of Jacob's arms around their shoulders and helped him to walk out. Nick was still in pain from his leg but he would never leave Jacob behind.

"How do we get out?!" Nick yelled. The floor was melting underneath them and there was fire everywhere.

"The wall." Carly said.

Jacob breathed deeply and removed their arms from around him so they could all dig into the wax wall. The more hands the better.

"Faster! Faster!" Nick yelled.

Jacob could see they were nearly through, his fingers feeling the night air. They only managed to just get out as the floor completely melted. The house was collapsing behind them as they crawled to safety. Once out of the way, Jacob lied down on the ground, his chest heaving up and down.

"You still can't die." Nick got down on the ground next to him. "If you don't keep those eyes open, I swear to god."

"Hey." Jacob put his hand on Nick's thigh that was right next to him. "I said I wasn't leaving you, didn't I?"

The large fire had alerted the authorities and only an hour later when the sun had come up, did they arrive. Jacob was now lying in the back of an ambulance. The wound on his shoulder and side being treated. They said he would need to go to the hospital for a few days.

"Hey! That's my friends camera." Nick said as he saw one of the offices carrying Dalton's camera in a bag. He repeated himself when he was ignored.

"Sorry son." The sheriff from the next town over said. "That's evidence. You guys okay?" A scoff left Jacob's lips. "Well, don't worry. We'll get you to the hospital."

"How could no one have known about all of this?" Carly questioned him. Jacob tilted his head up to look at the Sheriff.

"The truth is, this town is hard as hell to get to. It's been abounded ten years. Ever since that sugar mill shut down. Hell, it ain't even on the map anymore. We found all those cars in that old factory. These boys have been taking people off the interstate for years. If it wasn't from all the smoke from the fire, we wouldn't have even known."

Another deputy came and got the Sheriff.

They all rode in the same ambulance to the hospital since they didn't want to be separated. Carly and Nick were sitting to the side and Jacob was still lying down asleep. Nick had his hand interlocked with Jacob's.

"I think there's some good memories on this." Nick said and pulled the camera from his pocket. He had stolen it from the evidence box before they had left.

"You took it?" Carly asked tiredly.

"It just felt wrong leaving it behind, you know?"

"You okay?"

Nick smiled at her before turning to Jacob. "We're okay." He was so scared he was going to lose him. Just before the ambulance arrived he had passed out and Nick thought he wasn't going to wake back up.

As they drove from the town, Carly saw they passed the man who had taken her and Wade to the town in the first place. The dog that was with Vincent earlier by his side. He lifted his arm with a wide smile and waved at her.

All she could do was stare back as her, her brother and friend were finally taken from the nightmare.


Authors Note: See below!

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This was the final chapter before the epilogue. I hope you enjoyed it! I pre wrote the last five chapters in one day and I am very proud of myself. I can't believe this book is nearly completed. It makes me so happy.

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