★ | 013. we will get through this

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Book: Burn It Down, House Of Wax
Chapter 13: We Will Get Through This
Word Count: 1051

After everything was done, the hospital visits and the interviews, Jacob was finally able to relax

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After everything was done, the hospital visits and the interviews, Jacob was finally able to relax. His body was healing nicely though he would always have a permanent scar on his side from where he was stabbed. The one on his shoulder would heal up perfectly.

But even though they were out of the place and they were safe, Jacob's mind was haunted by the past. Every night he would have nightmares about what happened, he would wake up drenched in sweat and screaming that he didn't want to die.

Everything had been to much for him. That's why he made the decision to see a therapist. It was the only way he could think to move forward because he couldn't keep living like this. With the fear that he would be back in the house and he would be the one that turned into a wax figure, to slowly die.

A few weeks after everything, Nick and Jacob had decided to watch some of the footage on the camera, just to see their friends again and to see the happy times before it all went to shit.

They had been sitting on the couch together, small laughs leaving their lips. Jacob had tears in his eyes as he saw Dalton's face. His best friend was really gone and he could do nothing to bring him back.

Suddenly the picture changed, it was dark out and the camera was filming one of the tents they had slept in. As the camera got closer they saw it was Carly and Wade's tent where they were sleeping.

"Did Dalton film this?" Jacob asked, his eyebrows furrowed. "I mean, I knew he could be a bit of a creep but..." He trailed off.

The camera once again panned around the camp sight and it zoomed into each one of the tents. They saw Paige and Blake, themselves and Dalton all asleep.

"Dalton's not the one holding the camera." Nick whispered out, eyes not blinking as he watched the scene.

Once again the camera flashed between scenes and Jacob was getting more disturbed. That was until a video of Paige's body showed up, a close up of her and the pole going through her head.

Jacob gasped and jumped up, his hand over his mouth. "No, no, no, no." He mumbled to himself as he tugged at his head. He whimpered and tried to get the image out of his head. "This can't be happening."

Nick slammed the camera shut and put it to the side. He stood up and wrapped his arms around Jacob, he was also freaked out but he was better at hiding it then Jacob was. "W - We have to take that back to the police."

And that's what they did. They got in a lot of trouble for taking it in the first place but they weren't charged with anything.

After seeing what was on the camera, Jacob's nightmares had gotten worse and even seeing his therapist didn't help. He could hardly sleep because every time he did, he saw his friends dead bodies.

He was now in bed, his eyes closed as he tossed and turned. Nick was next to him asleep.

"Please let me go!" He screamed as his body was trapped in the contraption. He couldn't move an inch and no matter how much he pleaded, Vincent didn't let him go. It was like he couldn't even hear him.

On the table in front of him, Nick was there his eyes open wide as he couldn't move. Vincent had injected him with something so he couldn't. Whimpers were leaving the blondes lips and Jacob struggled even more.

"Please don't hurt him! Please! I'll do anything! Just leave him alone!" He screamed as loud as he could.

Vincent looked at him for only a moment and Jacob thought he might have gotten through to him but then Vincent was walking to Nick, holding up a large knife.

"No! No! Stop!"

Nick was trying to wake him up, shaking him as Jacob whimpered in his sleep. Finally, Jacob's eyes snapped open and he launched himself from the bed mumbling no over and over again, tears coming from his eyes.

Nick got up and slowly approached him. "Hey, it's me, it's Nick. Everything is okay. It's just me and you. We aren't there anymore." He said, trying to calm him down.

Jacob looked up at him and shook his head. "I can't get it out of my head." He cried, roughly tugging at his hair.

Nick moved over to him and knelt in front of him. He put his hands on his shoulders and tried to soothe him. "We are going to get through this. I promise you." He said. There were many nights where Jacob woke him up screaming and the lack of sleep between the both of them lead to fights but they didn't break up. No matter what happened and what they said to each other, they stayed by each other sides.

"I'm sorry for waking you up again." Jacob said softly, rubbing at his eyes.

"It's okay." Nick smiled at him and kissed his forehead. "Did you want to stay up for a little bit? We could watch a movie and make some hot chocolate."

Jacob looked at him and nodded. "Yeah, that would be good." He stood up from the ground and instantly wrapped his arms around Nick's waist, burying his face in his neck. "We will get through this, won't we?" He asked, showing how vulnerable he was feeling.

Nick nodded his head and ran his hands through his hair, lightly scratching at his scalp. "We can get through anything."

★ ★ ★

Authors Note: See below!

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Consider supporting me on Patreon and/or following me on YouTube 💕 Links in my bio.

Oh my god, that was the very last chapter everyone! I've finally completed another book. I am so proud of myself even if it is a short book I put a lot of work into it and I hope that shows.

Thank you so much for reading and I hoped you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I'll see you in my next book!

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