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kiana's shop.

"ms.kiana, can you do my edges please?" zoe asked, one of kiana's clients daughter.

"of course." kiana said as she grabbed the edge control, and brush, going infront of the girl as she begin to do her edges.

"alright, I'm done." kiana said as she showed the girl how they looked in the mirror, causing her to cheese hardly.

"thank you" zoe said as kiana nodding, helping her out the chair as she walked over to her mom.

"whew, thank you girl because I didn't know what to do with her hair." kiana's client said as she handed kiana the money.

"no problem" kiana said as she smiled, seeing as they walked out the shop and some other girls came in.

kiana walked back over to her station as she sat down, going onto her phone.

"um, do somebody named kiana work here?" tonya asked, causing kiana to lift her head up.

"I'm here right." kiana said as the girl looked over at her, seeing as tonya walked over to her with her group.

"mmm well I heard you do hair real good, but I'm not here to get my hair done." tonya said, causing kiana to raise a eyebrow.

"so what is you here for?" kiana said as she put her phone down.

"you fuck with kordell?"

"and if I do?" kiana said, trying to bite down on her tounge on what she really wanted to say.

"girl pipe down it's a question, but you might wanna watch out because yo nigga ain't loyal." tonya said as her crew begin to laugh

"you hoes act like teenagers in highschool, and what the fuck y'all akekek’ing at, cause I'll slap all you bitches silly." kiana said as she couldn't bite her tounge anymore, seeing as tonya and her group went quiet.

"and bitch if he was cheating, he wouldn't do it with a ugly ass hoe like you, now please stop out my shop before I beat you bitches senseless." kiana said, seeing as tonya mugged but did as kiana said, her friends following behind her.

it honestly pissed kiana off, yes she trusted kordell but why would a female walk up to kordell about him.

she clocked out early as the feeling was eating her up inside, telling her workers that she had something to take care of as they nodded, telling her that she was fine.

on the way home, she couldn't concentrate, everything was overcrowding her, her thoughts, her emotions, the flashbacks she had with renzo, and much more.

she hadn't even noticed the car that was going by, causing her to crash,
in which led to her blacking out.

during this black out, kiana had flashbacks on everything that had happened, thinking that if maybe she had left him in the first place, she would be fine.

in the ambulance, she could hear the sound of doctors trying to help her, putting a air mask over here so she wouldn't die, seeing as she went in and out of conscious.

she didn't even notice that she had made it to the hospital as she laid in the bed, hearing somebody bust in and knowing that it was kordell.

but in that moment, her hearing turned off and she couldn't hear nothing at all, she was just a dark place, no sound, no light, no nothing.

"bro kiana please, please bro." kordell said as he was at her bed, feeling as if he was finna break down.

jade stood in the corner with jayb, jayb held onto jade as she cried, whole nuchi and jay felt bad too, they wasn't that close to kiana but that was still they dawg, plus, they also was gone miss her, espically her cooking.

"doc please, do something." kordell begged

"sir we're trying, we really are, right now she isn't responding to nothing were doing, but the good thing is, she's still breathing." the doctor said, causing kordell to bury his face in kiana cover as he begun to cry

"I can't do it, I need this damn girl, on my life I'll go crazy without her" kordell said as he stood up, tears falling down as he looked at kiana.

she looked pale, no color to her, it seemed as if there was no life to her, which made kordell hurt even more.

"sir we have bad news." the doctor said, causing kordell heart to drop.

"what's the bad news?"

"she has fell into a coma." the doctor said, causing kordell to scream.

"FUCK, fuck fuck fuck." he said as he begin to cry hard, seeing as jade ran over to him and hugged him as they both cried hard.

jade honestly needed kiana too, that was the only person she could talk to in hard times and that was her best friend, plus she needed her best friend there for her pregnancy.

"damn dawg..." jayb said as jay shook his head, he knew this was gone be hard for kordell and jade.

"wtf am I gone do without her, istg bro." kordell said, sitting back onto the wall as he dug his head into his arms, isolating his self.

"how did this even happen?" nuchi said.

"they say she got in a car crash and the car hit her too hard, knocking her out and causing her to fall into a coma." jayb said, causing nuchi to nod.

but overall, kiana was scared herself, it was like she was looking at a dark screen, with no emotion or nothing, and the only thing she could think about was the girls words, why would she let the girls words get to her, why would she let her emotions run wild, why would she not pay attention to the road, why didn't she just trust kordell, knowing how much he loved her and helped her, and why, why did renzo scarr her so much that she hurted others around her.

but nun of the questions she couldn't answer, it was too late to answer them, she had already hurt kordell, to the core.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋 𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒 [PART 1]Where stories live. Discover now