Project T

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Kit's P.O.V

As I drive outside of the studio I have thoughts rushing through my head. What if they don't like my work? What if i disappoint them and then my boss? I would never get the chance to design then.

-no Kit put your brain into gear. This is like any other job you've done, listen to what they want and work with that- I wish it was that easy but when it's one Direction you're working with there's always another story.

As I'm walking into the spacious yet seemingly cramped hallway of the studio i am only welcomed with my footsteps. Have I got the wrong day? As soon as I'm regretting coming early I hear laughter. I turn the corner and I meet a boy with blonde hair and now that I'm concentrating I hear an Irish accent in his laughter. I didn't want to be rude but I had an appointment and i didn't want to miss it.

"Umm, hello? I'm looking for-"

"Are you the tattoo artist?" I was flattered, no one ever mentioned me as a tattoo 'artist' just a tattooist. I get caught over my tongue.

"Oh yes" oh no. Now I'm blushing. Be professional!

"Follow me, me and the boys have been waiting!" There was genuine excitement in his voice and once again I had that flattering sense inside of me.

"So, you're one of the five?" Although they were know all over the world I had to admit I had never noticed them before.

"Yep, never saw us before?"

"Oh yes, of course just not by face although-" I hesitated it was an embarrassing story.

"Go on"

"Well I was asked to tattoo one of you on well, lower down" I blushed again. "I refused and the boss had someone else do it"

"I'm guessing you did the design"

"Yes, how'd you guess?"

" I did my background checks" And just then as luck had it the conversation was brought to an end when he opened double doors and walked into a room. There were guitars drums microphones recording boughs, everything my eyes widened.

Being an artist I had always wanted to design some instruments, I walked over cautiously knowing eyes were on me. I picked up a guitar and studied the detailing.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you babe"

"no it's fine Liam" the Irish accent came to my ears and I looked up. All the people in the room now crowded around five boys sitting on chairs.

"Let me introduce you Kit. I'm Louis, that there is Harry, next Liam, Zayn, and the cute one on the end which you came in with is Niall" I nodded taking all the names. "Then over behind you is Paul" Louis sent over a wave. "Behind me, Andy and that's Josh by the drums, but you won't really need to know them" I knew what he was talking about.

See for this work I had to stay and get to know these boys and the band and find one significant thing that connects them all which I will design and then they will have tattooed in the same place. I was nervous, for such a well know band to get something wrong would be catastrophic.

I repeated all the names in order and they looked impressed.

"ok kit. What do you want us to do?" I hadn't though this far ahead, I was just concentrating on what I will be like when i meet the 'biggest and hottest boy band' to be fair they all looked amazingly beautiful and I felt underdressed in their presence. I had stares I still hadn't answered the question. "Um, I think I'll just observe, I would like to talk to you all individually some time but today I'm just gonna see what you are like and maybe do some portraits" there was silence. " that ok?"

"Yep, that's fine love, we just have to do some recording"

"Great! Can I watch?" The boys had already started to get up and move to do their own thing. Niall walked over to me.

"Can you play?" I was bemused by his question until I remembered I still had the guitar in my arms. "Oh, a little, though Iv never been perfect"

"I can teach you some time if you like?"

"Sure, that would be nice thank you!" Being admired by his eyes Iv lost track of what I was actually here to do. "Um, Niall, do all of you play?"

"No, not as much as me but they have a go now and then. Why? Have you got an idea?" His eyes glinted.

"Iv been here five minutes, but I'd like to do something musical" he nodded and started to do his own thing just like the other boys but I had one more question. "Niall." He turned round and faced me again.


"I was thinking, because you have such a big fan base, do you think they could give me some ideas?"

"You mean, from a fans point of view?"

"Essentially, yes, but I would like to know what, for them connects you together"

"I'll get on it babe"

"Hey Niall mate get over here!" He raises his eyebrows at Louis and said we would talk later. I sit in the corner and stated to do some portraits. I drew everything and anything. I drew Josh and he had lovely lips to draw, I drew then several at times, the i did a few of Niall and Liam who seemed to be together a lot, and then of some of Louis and Harry.

I decided that was enough for one day and said goodbye Niall walked me to my car.

"You didn't have to walk me to my car y'know?"

"Yes, but I wanted to"

"Thanks Niall"

"Umm, I was thinking about what you said about getting the fans involved"

"Oh, you don't think it's a good idea?"

"No! Complete opposite! I talked about it to Liam and he agrees, we're gonna do some tweeting and see what most comes up; and I'm sure you would prefer to be there when we do it"

"Yes, just in case something catches my eyes, something you might oversee" his eyes were down cast. "I didn't mean that in a bad way!"

"No, it's not you, don't worry, just there's papz behind you, don't turn around"

"Oh it's okay, I don't mind"

"No but I do, I wanted to kiss you" my heart was racing and my hands trembling.

"How about a hand shake?" I stretched my arm out and he took hold of my hand trembling at my touch.

I drive home with the feel of his skin in mine and a head full of ideas. tomorrow was a new day.

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