c h a p t e r 3

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The next morning Y/n woke up with a start as she woke up to a loud trumpet blaring through the tent. The boys all groaned as they got out of their beds and grabbed their work gear. Y/n grabbed her bandana and canteen. She followed all the boys out of the tent and up to a big cupboard-like thing that held all the shovels.

"Smiling faces!" Mom yelled as he blew his whistle. "Morning, Y/n." Mom said to Y/n as he placed his hand in the small of her back. She stiffened and went to Zigzag's side and walked beside him. Zigzag had watched the encounter from the side and grew angry towards Pendanski.

Zigzag saw Y/n quickly rush over to walk next to him and he stiffened slightly.

"Shovels on the left, tortillas on the right!" Dr. Pendanski called. Mr. Sir opened the shovels and stepped to the side.

"Okay, come get it."

Y/n went to grab a shovel, Zigzag beside her, when a guy much taller than her grabbed it before she did.

"I was gonna grab that one." She told the guy firmly.

"Only if you say please," that guy said teasingly as he held the shovel high above her. She punched him in the stomach causing him to hunch over. She grabbed the shovel from his hand.

"Please." She scoffed as she rolled her eyes and walked away. Zigzag looked between her and the guy that was now clutching his stomach and he quickly followed after Y/n.

They all began to walk through the desert, sand blowing in their faces. Y/n walked next to Zigzag and around her tent mates. She looked over and noticed that X-ray's shovel had a red stripe on the base of it and no one else's did.

"Hey X, why is your shovel the only one here with a red stripe on it?" Y/n asked.

"This here is my shovel. It's shorter than the rest of 'em. The shorter the shovel the smaller the hole." He explained to her, she nodded.

When they finally got there Mr. Sir took her to the spot she was going to be digging.

"This ain't no girl scout camp. We ain't gonna babysit yer. Dig here. Now, if you find anything interesting...you are to report it to me or Pendanski. If the Warden like what you find you get the rest of the day off."

"Yes, Mr. Sir." Y/n nodded. Mr. Sir nodded and walked off. Y/n stuck her shovel in the ground and used her foot to make it go deeper before shoveling out a pile of dirt.

She continued to do just that.

After a while she got hot and pulled her arms out of the jumpsuit and tied it around her waist so it was just her tank top.

After more time Y/n started getting blisters on her palms. She ignored it until one popped. She hissed slightly.  She pushed herself out of her hole and sat on the edge. She looked around her for something to use. She couldn't find anything, then she had an idea. She looked down at her tank top and shrugged. She went to the buttom of her tank top and ripped off a long piece of fabric then ripped it in half. She then wrapped the fabric around her hands and tied it. Her tank top was shorter now and about an inch or two of her stomach showed but she didn't care. It was her work shirt after all and it only made her less hot.

"Hey, you okay Girly?" X-ray called from his hole.

"Just peachy." Y/n told him with a small smile.

About an hour later the water truck pulled up to their holes. Zigzag went over to Y/n hole and crouched down.

"Water trucks here." He told her. She looked up at him from her hole and nodded. He got the courage to hold out his hand to her to help pull her out. She looked at his hand then back up at him before accepting it.

He looked down at her hands and noticed the fabric tied around them.

"First hole's always the hardest." He told her knowingly. He then noticed her tank top and recognized the fabric that was on her hands was from her tank top. "You know you only get two of those right?" He tells her. Y/n looked at him confused before realizing what he was talking about. She shrugged at him.

"It makes it cooler anyways." She told him with a closed smile. His chest felt like it was about to burst as he returned the smile.

They went up to the line and Y/n was at the end of it. She didn't care. As long as she got her water.

She got her water and went back to digging her hole.


Over the next couple of days Zigzag continued to see Y/n sitting outside the tent every night. She hardly talked to anyone and kept to herself.

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