(T.C):Rough Days

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"I wish you were here right now, I could desperately use one of your hugs right now

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"I wish you were here right now, I could desperately use one of your hugs right now." You said to Timmy.

"I wish I was there too. Was it a Bad day amour?" He asked slightly moving the camera before settling on the couch.

"The worst like this month progressively gets worse by the day and I don't think I can handle much more." I said groaning into my pillow as I told him about troubles.

"Oh amour, I'm sorry. I wish I could be there with you right now, to hug you or something. I hate that I'm not there with you." He said.

"It's alright bub. I know you'll be home in a few weeks which will make the hugs ten times more special." I said giving him a small smile.

"I know but your sad and I hate it when your sad even more when I'm thousands of miles away and can't do anything to help you." He said making me realize how lucky I was to have him.

The next morning, I was sleeping when I felt the bed slightly which made me slightly wake up.

"Amour." A voice said pressing a kiss to my shoulder making my eyes shoot open.

"Bubs? Is that really you?" I said turning over on my back and smiling when I was met with those precious brown eyes smiling down at me.

"Yeah, it's me amour." He says smiling at me as I wrapped my arms around him and pull him against me.

"What are you doing here?" You asked after a few minutes of holding him in your arms.

"Well after our talk yesterday I was really worried about you so I talked with my director and they let me come home for a week since we are ahead of schedule." He said.

"I'm sorry for making you fly all the way home." I said quietly feeling guilty that he flew home to deal with me and my nonsense.

"No none of that. I came home on my free will. You are the love of my life and it's my job to make sure you are okay." He said brushing some of your hair out of your face.

"I love you." I said leaning up and kissing him.

"Not as much as I love you Amour." He said pulling apart and resting his forehead against yours.

For the next few days, Timothee took you out shopping, diner, whatever he could think of to help cheer you up and offer any insights on how to make your problems a little less hard for you while he was gone.

"What are these amour? Im supposed to be buying you flowers, not the other way around." Timothee says covering his smile as you handed him a couple of sunflowers.

"I know but you deserve flowers as well because you truly are the best and I still don't know what I did to deserve you." You said wrapping your arms around him as you two walked back to your apartment.

"I appreciate them but I should be asking myself that question because you are one of the strongest people I know." He said.

"Even when I meltdown and make you fly home to be with me for a week?" You asked shyly looking up at him.

"I wouldn't call it a meltdown. Remember even wonder woman had her off days, and needed to be saved. Plus I think it gave me the opportunity to fly home and be with you sooner." He said kissing your forehead.

You smiled as you two continued your walk back to your apartment, you knew bad days or weeks were bound to happen but it helped knowing that you had someone there to be there for you for a change.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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