Chapter 2

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"Wait a damn minute

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"Wait a damn minute. So you're saying that you froze when you saw Yena. And then your books fell and she went to help you. She touched your arm and helped you to get up. Then, she smiled at you and patted your shoulder? This doesn't make any sense!" Chan summarized what you had told him.

"It sounds like it, doesn't it? But that's what happened for real earlier. This is like... dreams come true. My crush just helped me, touched me, smiled at me, and patted my shoulder! Could you believe it?"

"You sound so convincing so I guess that really happened."

"I'm telling you! That's the most happiest moment of my life!" Chan scoffs seeing your overly joyed expressions.

"Do you like her that much?" You just nod in happiness while hugging your monkey plushie.

"Quit smiling so much. Your cheeks are gonna hurt."

"I think they already are. But I can't help it." You continue drawing as Chan shakes his head while smiling.

"Since I'm this excited, I should just confess to her tomorrow." Hearing you, Chan's smiley face turned into a worried face. There was a brief silence before Chan speaks.



"Are you sure about this? I mean, it's better for you to not confess to her. You'll face an immense pain from the rejection." Chan said which turns your joyful face into a worried one. You put a smile on your face as you look at his friend.

"That's alright. Everyone experiences it. I doubt that I'll be in the 1% of lucky people who never experience rejection before. It's normal. Don't worry, Chan-ah. I'll be alright." You reassure your friend even though you're feeling very anxious about tomorrow.

"Well, whatever you want to do, do it. It's your life and you make your own decision. Good luck for tomorrow, man." Chan pats your shoulder before he climbs to his bed.

The worried expression comes back on your face. You're anxious. You predict what would happen during that time. You don't want what you predict to happen but you feel like it'll happen.

"It will go well, right? I could be the 1% of lucky people, right?" You lay down on the bed, hugging your plushie, and thinking about tomorrow's scenario.

"I hope it wouldn't hurt as much as I expect it would be. I've kept this feeling for 2 years. I should confess to her in my last year of university. Moong, I hope tomorrow will be a good day." You look at your plushie.

You close your eyes and hugs Moong as you hope for a better tomorrow. Hoping for a great day. Hoping for your confession to be accepted.

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Yena is currently hanging out with her girlfriend, Yuri. They're enjoying their nice meal like usual during lunchtime.

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