Chapter 4

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After the class ended, Yena and you go to the empty study room as planned. Yena take her seat while you're writing something on the whiteboard.

'Operation: Re-Love' was what written on the whiteboard by Y/N. Yena squints her eyes and reads the title.

"Hmm... 'Operation: Re-Love'? Interesting name."

"That's the best I could think of. Pardon me for the bad operation name."

"No, it's okay. It sounds cool." Yena nods and thumbs up as an approval.

"Thank you." You smile shyly.

"Without wasting more time, I'll introduce to you, 'Operation: Re-Love'. This operation is for you to try and get back together with Yuri, your lover."

"Tell me what's the plan."

"Alright so, the first plan..."


"Don't be nervous, Yena-ya. Don't be nervous." Yena repeatedly told herself.

"She's here. There with the white sweater. Go now." You gestured Yena to go approach Yuri.

With one deep breath, she goes to approach her girlfriend with a smile on her face.

"Plan A, approach her and talk to her like nothing happened. Pretend you never saw it." You said.

"What? Are you crazy? How am I supposed to act like I'm alright? What I witnessed scarred me." Yena replied.

"Trust me. It'll be alright. And never talk about it. Never mention it."

"So, I should just act like I got amnesia after that incident?"

"I guess so."

Yena approaches her with a smile, forced smile and skips happily. She was about to speak Yuri's name when...


Someone crashed into Yena from behind and all the sports equipment fell to the floor. Yena fell as well and you come rushing at her.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" The person checks on her. You arrive and check on Yena.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere? Did you got any bruise? Did any of your bones cracked? Yena-ya, please tell me that you're fine." Yena's wincing in pain but she nods.

"I'm alright."

"What about you? Did you got hurt?" You asked the person.

"I-I'm alright." Meanwhile, Yena looks at Yuri who's going further away. She feels upset that the first plan failed.

"Yuri-ya..." You hear her and see that Yuri's out of sight.

You help her to get up and the person apologizes at them.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Yena and you are currently together in another class which is Mathematics. You're stealing glances at her, worried that she's hurt.

"Hey, are you alright?" You asked.

"You think?" Yena replied without looking at you.

"I am so sorry about just now. I didn't know that would happen."

"It's fine. It means it's Plan B, right?"

"Straight into Plan B? Don't you want to redo Plan A?"

"Even me myself don't think that'll work. Let's try Plan B this time."

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