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November, 2010

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November, 2010

Biting down on my tongue as I was vigorously taking down notes from the presentation the teacher was showing on the projector. I couldn't help but become frustrated because of how fast her slides were going. I wasn't even able to get the whole thing written down.

Irritated, I huffed as I threw my pencil across my desk in defeat. Sweeping my hair out of my face, I sighed and averted my attention towards the scenery outside of the window beside me. Appreciating the baby blue sky with the tints of white, birds flying under the beaming sun.

The bell then rang.

With that, the class was finally dismissed and I dashed out of the classroom.

As I reached the cafeteria, I already saw Ni-ki and Sunoo sitting at our usual spot, probably saving the table as the cafeteria was always packed. I smiled in their direction, acknowledging their presence before turning to the stall to grab my tray of food.

As I was making my way to our table, I looked up from my tray and saw an unfamiliar face.

We made eye contact. Eyes sparkling as we stared at one another.

Her eyes were glowing like the moon, even though it was bright as day. Cheeks a tad shade of pink.

We held our stares for a bit longer before I gave her a small grin, bowing ever so slightly.

She smiled back.

It was the prettiest smile I had ever seen and I had no idea that this would be the start of my life's purpose.

"She's a transferee student. Fresh from France." Ms. Kim spoke as she was introducing the student standing in front of the classroom.

As the student was giving her self introduction, I watched her, closely. I started noticing how her body was swinging back and forth, in the slightest way possible. How she fiddled with her fingers and how her teeth caught her lips whenever she was thinking of what to say.

Her fair complexion and luscious hair, not too long nor too short. Her nose perfectly shaped, just right for her petite face. Her cheeks looked like little dumplings when she'd show off her small smile.

I continued to admire her from a far until I was caught off guard, "Yang Choon Hee, you may sit in the vacant seat beside Mr. Yang Jungwon over there." The teacher advised her and she followed the instructions given to her before she made her way towards the seat beside me.

"Yang? That isn't a coincidence, isn't it?" Ni-ki spoke from behind me, teasingly. I slowly turned my head, cunningly to the boy behind me as I widened my eyes, warning him to shut up.

He ended up giggling before sitting back down on his seat and returning himself to what he was previously doing.

"Yang Jungwon?" For the first time, my name sounded like music to my ears. I gulped and licked my lips before confidently turning my head towards the direction of the voice, only to see the new student standing in front of my desk.

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