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the truth,

the truth was, kiana wasn't in a coma because of the car accident, renzo had payed the doctor to do something to kiana.

see kordell and them had thought they had killed renzo, but actually they didn't, the bullet only had hit his upper shoulder and it hadn't did much damage, so he was still alive.

"they believed it?" renzo said as he walked in, seeing the doctor nod.

"of course they did, but how long you think she can keep this up, because soon she is going to die." doctor matthew said, causing renzo to suck his teeth.

he didn't want kiana to die, he just wanted her to suffer a bit, just a little bit but he knew he would soon have to let her off the stuff she was using, that caused her to fall into a coma.

what renzo didn't know was, jayb and jade was standing behind him, listening to everything him and the doctor was talking about, and jade had took a chance to record them before letting jayb do his thing.

"nigga didn't we kill you." jayb said, causing renzo to slowly turn around, knowing he has fucked up.

"you—" renzo was cut off as jayb sent a blow to his face, knocking renzo out  cold as jade shook her head.

"you better fix that shit and get her out that fucking coma or on my head I'm gone fucking kill you." jayb said, seeing as the doctor slowly nodded and took kiana off the medication renzo had put her on that kept her in the coma.

meanwhile jade had called everybody and told them what her and jayb had seen, hanging up as she said they were on they way.

she walked over to kiana, looking at her and sighing, she honestly had missed kiana alot, it didn't seem like it but kiana had been in a coma for a month.

she grabbed one of kiana hands and held on to it, putting her head down as she lighty cried but stopped once she felt kiana moving her hand.

kiana grabbed jade hand as she slowly opened her eyes, causing jade to gasp as jayb walked over to them, being surprised as well.

"damn, I had forgot what ro—" nuchi stopped talking as he walked in the room to see kiana up.

"I'mma kill this nig—" jay said as he walked in next, seeing kiana looking back at him.

"damn why y'all sil..ent.." kordell words slurred as he seen kiana up, running over to her as he picked her up and hugged her.

"baby I have wires attached to me, be careful" kiana said, her voice being light as kordell nodded.

"my fault, I'm just so happy you awake, I thought you was gone be in a coma forever, a nigga was finna go crazy." kordell said, causing kiana to nod as she sighed.

"now you, why the fuck you put her under that fucking coma." jade said as she was honestly fed up, walking over to the doctor as jayb walked behind her.

"I—" the doctor was cut off as jade slapped the mess out of her.

"bitch you really tried it, do you know how it felt knowing that I would wake up and not hear from my damn best friend? then you been her doctor for a month and haven't said shit, bitch you lucky I'm pregnant because I swear I would beat yo ass senseless." jade said, jayb hyping her in the background

"get her ass bae, yeah get her." he said

"I'm sorry I swear I am, but he said if I didn't do it he would kill me" the doctor said, she was honestly terrified of jade and her words.

"yeah alright, now what i want you to do is tell the police everything you and renzo did, turn yourself in and I hope you lose yo fucking job." jade said, the doctor nodding as she had already seen the police waiting outside

jade had called the police beforehand, she knew if jayb and then killed renzo they would go to jail and she couldn't have that happening, so she decided to let the police handle it.

the doctor begin to cry as she walked over to the police, telling them everything as they handcuffed her.

meanwhile kordell was hold kiana, not saying anything just holding her, even though kiana had did him wrong many times, he loved that damn girl, he couldn't see his self with any other female that walked the planet, he
believed kiana was his soulmate.

"did you tell her?" jayb said to kordell, causing kiana to raise a eyebrow as she looked at him.

"tell me what kordell." she asked confused.

"how he was acting while you was in a coma, ignoring everybody and overdoing it on drugs, drinking and getting high everyday, he even cut his phone off so we couldn't call him any more" jade said, kiana deeply sighing as she looked at kordell

"mane I know it wasn't the right choice, but it was getting me through the days without you, I couldn't do shit without thinking about you, so I resulted to smoking and shit, I didn't expect it to carry on, but shit it did, it was so bad I was hallucinating and shit" kordell said

"I understand but please don't ever do that again, also can y'all step out for a minute, I wanna talk to kordell." kiana said, causing everybody to nod as they walked out, leaving her and kordell alone

"I already know I have apologized but I sincerely wanna apologize, im sorry for involving you in the ahki situation, I knew I shouldn't have accepted that date he asked me and I knew I should of told him me and you was fucking around, I knew I was in the wrong but I honestly wasn't sure if he was really fucking around, you know my past and you know how I was cheated on, I didn't expect you to be serious about us and I just thought you was only here to make me feel better about renzo cheating on me, I know I was wrong for doing you like that and throwing you under the bus, and I honestly felt like shit for doing it, during my coma I had realized how bad I treated you, the stress I probably put you under and all the problems I had caused, I know I'm saying alot but I really mean it, I really love you and wanna make things right." kiana said, kordell smiling as he listened to her words.

"it's good you realized how many times you have fucked up, and you can tell I really love you because I'll do anything for you, yes I understand your past but every nigga ain't like that, I like you for you and I look past your mistakes, you the woman I love and you the woman I want, I can't see myself with no other woman but it just ain't gone feel right, what I'm saying is kiana you mines forever, these past months with you been chaotic but amazing, as long as you mines I'm forever happy." kordell said, causing kiana to nod and smile as she hugged him, feeling a connection as she did so.

jayb, jade, jay, and nuchi had smiled behind the door, they had heard everything and was happy that kordell was finally opening up, and that kiana had admitted that she was wrong, it just showed how much she cared and jayb and jay was happy as long as there homeboy was happy.

communication was key, and it was good that they had communicated.

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