What's It Worth To You?

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"Leo! The new 'Holy Knight' volume is missing from the library! Have you seen it?" I called as I barged into our shared room. Leo was sitting on the floor, his back leaning against his bed. It was plain to see why he didn't actually sit on his bed. It was covered in books, a pile that only seemed to grow every day. Beside my valet was another, smaller tower of books and in his hand was yet another book, his eyes were glued to its pages.

"Hmm?" was the only reply I received. He didn't even glance in my direction.

"Someone's checked out the new 'Holy Knight' book before I could!" I repeated, this time louder as I fell onto my clean, book-free bed. I laid on my back, staring up at the ceiling.

"And?" Leo asked, his tone making it obvious that he really didn't care.

"And I wanted to read it! But I can't because it's not there!" I cried. "I've been dying to know what happens next and finally its out! I want... no, I need to know what happens next!"

"You're being dramatic," Leo said, licking his finger and turning a page. I rolled onto my side and glared at him.

"No, I'm not! This is serious, Leo. That cliffhanger... I need to know what happens! You read it, you know how painful that ending was! How long am I supposed to wait?" I grumbled.

"You really want to read it, don't you?"

"YES! Haven't you been listening? I would do anything to have that book in my hands right now."

"Anything?" For some reason that got Leo's attention. He was peeking up at me over the book, his eyes barely visible under his long bangs and thick glasses.

"Uh... Um, well, within reason, I guess," I stammered, unsure where this was going.

"You must not want to read it that badly then," Leo remarked with a shrug, his eyes returning to the book. I regarded him with curiosity, pulling myself up so that I was perched on my elbow.

"Leo... What-"

"I finished reading the newest 'Holy Knight' book just before you came in." I flew up into a straight sitting position.

"WHAT?" I exclaimed. "Why the hell didn't you say something sooner?" Leo just shrugged again.

"Well, can I read it since you're done with it?" I asked, trying not to reach begging. Leo's only reply was yet another shrug.

"What does that mean?" I cried out. He didn't even give me a shrug this time. He just sat there in silence and continued his reading. Irritation built in me and I was suddenly furious with him. My eyes narrowed into a glare, as I leapt off of the bed and stood looming over him.

"What kind of games are you playing? You're my valet, dammit! Give me the book!" I cried. That got Leo's attention. He closed the book, setting it onto the pile beside him, and raised his eyes to meet mine. They had that scary, emotionless look that always made me feel I had started a war.

"I thought we were friends and equals before anything else," he commented, his voice even and cold. I opened and closed my mouth, trying to find a way to fix this. I had said something dumb and gotten Leo upset again. I really hated that about myself. I never thought before I opened my mouth and it always caused problems. Usually Leo could just roll with the punches, but sometimes I said something that struck him hard. This was one of those moments where I knew I had hurt him. He was good at hiding it, but his cold demeanor gave away his true feelings.

"Leo... We are. I'm sorry," I mumbled, looking away from him. My head turned to look out the window on the wall to my left. I couldn't look at him as guilt flooded my veins. The only reply I got was silence, creating an uneasy tension in the room. I still didn't have the nerve to look back at him, so I couldn't tell if he was glaring at me silently or perhaps he'd gone back to his reading to spite me. Either way I could tell he was still mad.

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