About me, basically

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Hi, My name's Yuni. Yuni Verse is my full name, but I'd prefer you to just call me Yuni. My birthday is June 3rd and I'm from New York City. Also, I'm 15.

My family owns a chain of video-rental stores, which would explain why we're millionaires. Thanks to that, I live in a huge mansion, the type you'd probably see in a movie. But guess what? I HATE IT!!!!!!! Sure, you might think that living in a huge mansion like mine would be the best thing ever, but once you've lived in it for as long as I have, having explored every nook and cranny and are now left with nothing else better or interesting to do other than annoying your bodyguard, you'd be pretty fed up too. The only thing that makes things less boring for me is dancing to some Eurodance music, which is something I've loved to do ever since I was little.

Because of my boredom, I tend to sneak out of the mansion a ton. Usually to get something to eat or find something fun to do. It just so happened that on one of my sneak-outs, I came across a flier for a dance program, called "DanceDanceRevolution". I decided to go and audition for it, and I absolutely blew the judges away with my sweet moves! My bodyguard, Akira, also followed me there and joined it to make sure I didn't get into any trouble, which is kinda bothersome, but whatever. Although there were auditions being held here in America, the actual program is in Japan, so I had to do a little convincing with my parents to be able to go. Luckily, they let me, but of course they sent Akira with me to make sure I don't come to any harm. We have mansions all over the world, with Japan being one of the places, so I at least have a decent place to stay, but Akira is definitely going to tighten is watch over me, which definitely won't be fun. The dance contests we do are real fun, and I have two best friends I met there too, so I'd say it all works out for me.

Although I was raised to be a prim and proper young lady in the mansion, I can't help but crave and go after junk food at every waking chance. It's why I sneak out of the mansion so much, after all. I love anything unhealthy and greasy, especially french fries. I generally like eating and hanging out with my friends Emi and Alice, as well as going on adventures or the sort with them. Also, another thing you should know about me is that I'm really good at hacking into things, among many other things. It's a skill I learned to keep myself entertained in the mansion, and it comes in handy during the adventures I have with my friends, too.

Because I'm super rich, people tend to perceive me as a spoiled brat, which, actually isn't too far off from how I am. Sure, I'm a bit spoiled and can be kinda arrogant and full of myself sometimes, but I really do care about my friends and stuff. I've been told I'm fun and adventurous to be around, which I think makes sense. I do my best to be a good person, of course, but if my limits are pushed, what else can I do?

That's really all there is to me , but if you're still not satisfied, then don't worry, I still have plenty more of things to reveal about myself in future stories with my friends. There's also other people from that dance program that exist, but to be completely honest, I'm the most interesting out of all of them.

Thanks for reading about me!


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