Mahnoor • Mera chaand tum ho •

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'Dollar biwi!' Chirped Vihaan as he entered inside their room. Riddhima who had been reading her favorite novel under the moon light looked at him with clearly nothing but annoyance and irritated.

'Not again! Vihaan how many time I have told you to not call me that.' She shouted being irritated by his flirty nature and huffed in anger while he made a cute smiling face which was enough to melt her.

'What to not call you dollar biwi.' Asked vihaan in his flirty voice. 'dollar biwi' she exclaimed replacing her gaze from the novel to him making him smirk playfully. 'Then what I should call you dollar biwi.: He questioned making her look down shyly.

'you know right! What I like you to call me.' she said while a tint of redness spread on her face. 'no I don't! Please tell me baby.' he said pulling her over his lap while she kept her head on his chest listening to her fav music, his HEARTBEATS. 'Princess! Your princess.' she said making him smile warmly as he wrapped her in his embrace making her feel safe and loved. While she recalled some events.


Riddhima I'm really sorry. Sorry for everything I have done in the past with you. Please come back to me' Vansh apologised in front of her, his supposed wife whom he refused to remember and humiliated calling her mentally in front of the whole world.

Riddhima looked at him blinking her eyes, is he really this much stupid or he pretend to be one she questioned herself and chuckled in mind, Even after humiliating her so much he is expecting her to come back to him. How stupid man.  'Who are you Mister? I don't even know you and you are apologising to me.' she said making him shocked made her laugh a little.

'I'm your husband, Riddhima. I'm your Vansh.' He Said which made her feel like slap him, she badly wanted to do it because her hand was itching way to much forcing her to do that but she stopped herself. 'Look Mister....' she was stopped between her words when she heard someone calling her. 'Princess, where are you?" Came the voice making her smile as she looked back towards the source of voice.

'I'm here jaan!' She chirped while the man who called her came close to her and encircled his arms around her petite waist pulling her closer while Vansh looked at him with tint of jealousy. 'What are you doing her princess? I was waiting for you in our room.' The man said looking at her intensely.

'ohh.. jaan i was coming to our room when this man, God knows who he is came and stopped me for no reason.' She reason out glaring at Vansh. 'Bhaiii...' The man exclaimed looking at his twin brother after an year or so. 'How are you Bhai?' He asked hugging him almost crashing his bones while smirking. 'I'm fine vihaan. How are you.' Vansh asked and replied hugging his brother back.

'ohh.. you know him jaan.' asked riddhima while they broke the hug and looked at her. 'Yes, princess he's my brother and your brother-in-law whom I'm meeting after an year.' He said smiling sheeplessly while she giggled mentally. 'Well bhai meet her. The love of my life, my dearest wifey, Mrs. Riddhima Vihaan Raisinghania.' He introduced Riddhima making vansh shocked.

'I'm really sorry Mr. Raisinghania, I couldn't recognise you and talked to you like that.' she said giving him a tight fake smile. Jaaan lets go I'm tired.,' she looked at Vihaan and yawned a little making him giggle at his wife's cuteness. 'lets go princess.,'

'Take me in your arms please, my feet are paining' she requested ignoring the presence of vansh who was looking at them all confused and hurt. 'Your wish, my order, highness.' Vihaan said bowing his head in front of her, his princess while she smiled seeing his love for her.

Picking her in his arms, he kissed her forehead and cheeks lovingly making her blush while Vansh was standing there burning in jealousy. 'Ill meet you later Bhai.' Vihaan said turning to go back to their room in the hotel they were staying for their honeymoon.

Riddhima looked at him, her ex-husband with a smirk and mysterious glint in her eyes, it was Vansh's time to taste his own medicine and it was her time to take revenge from him with the true love of her life, her jaan, her vihaan who don't just call her princess but also make her feel special like a princess.


'as you say princess.' he said placing smile kiss on her crown while she closed her eyes to feel him. 'Look at that moon, princess it's so beautiful no...' he pointed towards the moon which was shining brightly among the millions of stars.

'Princess, the moon is there! Why are you looking at me.' He asked as he looked back at her. 'Kyunki mera chaand to tum hi ho. Vihaan.' She said looking into his eyes intensely.

'you are my moon jaan, because you came into my life when I was drowning in darkness, you came and lightened it again like moon lighten the dark sky in night.' she said kissing his cheek, his nose and his forehead.

'I don't need to look at the world's moon and admire it because I have my own moon who rescued me when I needed the most. You healed me vihaan for which I'm really thankful to you.' she continued and hugged him again placing a small kiss near his chest near his heart making him feel delighted.

'I love you Jaan, I love you madly, deeply, obsessively and possesively.' She confessed making his heart flatter, he was happy that his lady love too loved him with same intensity like he loves her and he was grateful to all the gods and goddesses for sending her in his life while she too was grateful to them for sending him in her life.

'I love you too princess. I love you with all my heart and soul and everything I have. And you are my everything princess.' he confessed while she locked their lips for a long, soft and soulful kiss pouring all of their love in the kiss.

°°°THE END°°°


k I don't know what shit i have written above but this one was written when I was travelling so apologies if it was not enough good.

Still Hope you'll liked it ❤️.
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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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