Chapter 22.

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You started sweating as Venti looked at you weirdly, taking time to process the question. "Yes, there are zombies. However...if you're not from this world, how do you know of them?"

That explains the pause he took before answering your question. But also, uh. Zombies actually exist here?! Now you were worried if you qualified as one, and if it would make you end up like all of those zombie games/shows.

You didn't want your beautiful skin to get all green and nasty. Ew. You wrinkled your nose at the thought before remembering Venti's question. "Well, I knew of them previously, and...I might be one?"

You spoke cautiously, confused on whether you actually were one or not. Venti stared at you, clearly wondering what the hell happened- but being polite enough to not ask as he inspected you.

"You're not a zombie from here, that's for sure!" He exclaimed after a few seconds. You held your hand to your chest and breathed out in relief, feeling your heart thumping.

Now you were overwhelmed with questions, but you decided to go with the most broad one first. "What does a zombie from here have?" Venti mused for a second before answering.

"Their skin is extremely milk. They do have memory issues like you're having, but it's more like they have completely forgotten who they are. They're also required to carry a talisman around." He summed up quickly.

You hummed in thought... Forgetting who you were? All of your friends? No, that would never happen. You would do anything to make sure that it doesn't happen. You needed those sweet memories to keep yourself sane.

You feared what would happen if you broke. 'You do know that you're so close to that, right?' Bob's stupid voice whispered in your head, making your face drop into frown.

"Do you know any?" You gingerly asked, moving your thoughts away from Bob. You couldn't trust him, at least you could trust Venti way more than him.

"I know of one, but do I know her personally? Nope." He spoke lazily, though his eyes betrayed how intensely he was looking at you. "And what do zombies mean to you?"

You sighed, knowing this was coming. It was only fair too, since you probed him so much. "Zombies are green. They have pieces of themselves torn off or exposed in all the wrong places."

Venti's nose scrunched in disgust at your words, leading you to nod along. "I know right? They're pretty gross." You spoke nonchalantly and then sighed from relief. Ironically enough, you felt worse from the knowledge, summarizing it in your head.

So you weren't a zombie for them, but still...only you know how you're a zombie. Spiritually, at least. Venti knows you were considering yourself to be one, but neither of your descriptions verified it. That should be enough to clear you.


You had stood outside for who knows how long, chatting with Venti. You knew that you should feel cold, but there were no breezes chilling your skin.

You realized that Venti was the one causing that, the thoughtfulness causing you to give Venti a closed-lip smile.

The drowsiness was really starting to you, causing your head to loll. Venti noticed it and grabbed your elbow, starting to lead you towards your inital destination.

"Let's rent a room for the night, seeing as you're dead on your feet." The quip caused you to chuckle and nod, you not wanting to do anything else. Not to mention, too tired to do anything else.

Was that going to be your constant mood? Just tired? Well, at least you weren't going to be sad as you slowly walked with Venti, not wanting to be dragged around the quiet city.

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