Chapter 1 - Being chased?! AND PULLING A PHILZA!?

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Sorry for taking like two weeks to do this, I was busy with online classes and I had to deal with a lot of family time. But forget all that and here you go!

TW: swearing and yelling from Tommy (and me just writing swear words to have a little spice in this and cuz it's more natural to me), guns, burnt wounds and a corpse, and I think that's all, don't forget to tell me if you see any other TWs.

I will tell you when the gun and burnt wounds shows up.


"AHHH!! FUCK! SHITTT!!" Tommy screamed while him and his brother were being chased by the top 4 hero, the Willow. Now you might be thinking, what the fuck do Tommy do to get into this predicament. Well you see lets go back a few hours.

A few hours earlier..

Tommy was just chilling y'know, he started work at 9 am and had just finished at 5 pm. As he was walking around his district, the 13th district, he was just looking at buildings and occasionally looking at the sky.

He had taken a backpack that belonged to his brother and put his vigilante outfit in the bag. He went to change in the public loo, it was disgusting and no one really went there. Also it was like 11 pm so it was alright.

Which consisted of his cropped coat, it was white with red sleeves, and grey sweats that went up to his knees. He also wore red running shoes, and a black face mask with black goggles. (I had a hard time trying to describe the outfit, it's supposed to be the outfit in the pic at the top)

He also wore grey fingerless gloves, black leggings and a tight black sweatshirt? turtleneck?. Anyways but yeah that's what he wore.

Soon after changing into his outfit, and putting his civilian clothes in the bag, he was then running from rooftop to rooftop. His shirt also had holes in it so his wings aren't confined in a tight space, and he let his raccoon ears and tail out.

He contacted his sibling to come join him on patrol, his brother had agreed to it.

He desperately wanted to take his wings out and fly but Mellohi was supposedly known as a raccoon hybrid and Tommy was known as a human.

Avians are rare, the only ones anyone in the districts of the city were Crow Father, the vigilante Cat and the Dealer.

That was a reason why Tommy wanted his civilian self to be human, so no people will question him about his origins.

So anyways! He was currently waiting on a building, it was the flat they used to house the heroes before the heroes realized saving people from the higher districts would make them more known to the world.

Without the heroes to protect the civilians in the lower districts, criminal ratings skyrocketed especially in district 13.

It was then a group of people decided no more waiting for the heroes to arrive and save them.

They took a stand just to make their home a bit more safer. Most crimes were done at night, so vigilantes either stayed up most of the day, getting like a very shit sleep schedule, or slept at daytime.

There was also no official name for the building so people just called it hero building.

And after the heroes left, the civilians vandalized the whole building and left it abandoned 'cause it reminded them that the heroes left them to fend for themselves.

So now the vigilantes are the heroes of the lower districts. It didn't matter if they were illegal, the civilians just wanted to be safe from danger.

But anyways, Tommy just seemed to have zoned out, having an internal monologue, so he didn't hear footsteps from behind him.

~| Mellohi and Cat |~    Vigilante Tommy AU (BEING REWRITTEN IN A NEW BOOK :D!)Where stories live. Discover now