02. boo's & booze

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"say you were trying to make
me laugh, and nothing has to
change today. you didn't mean
to say 'i love you'."

          kyorin stared at the boy with curiosity until he turned his head to look back as well

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          kyorin stared at the boy with curiosity until he turned his head to look back as well. something about his gaze scared kyorin a bit, causing her to look away after a while.

          "wah, that's so sad." nari says, clicking her tongue in disappointment. kyorin looks up at her black haired friend, who seemed to be awe-struck, twirling a strand of her hair between her fingers.

          "men disappoint me." yoojin says, "i saw it coming honestly. they weren't a good match."

          "i never thought they'd break up so soon though, it's sad. he's been chasing her for so long." nari frowns.

          kyorin feeling a warmth in her palm, raised an eyebrow in confusion as she looks down. the red ribbon, glowing in a fit of gold that emits enough warmth to be noticeable. to kyorin, it was odd. it hasn't done that ever since she got it, so the look and feeling of it was foreign.

         "what do you mean?" kyorin asks, stuffing her hand into her pocket.

          "ah, that's right. you were gone when they got together." nari says, leaning back into her chair.

          "i had no clue they even were together, like dating wise." kyorin says.

          yoojin scoffs while letting out a small chuckle, "literally jay was never around when we would see chaerin around school. it's like he got the girl, was so in love with her for months and then suddenly stopped? like who the fuck does that?"

          "it's embarassing, i see why she wants to break up with him. seems like he's the problem." nari says with disgust on her face.

          kyorin frowned, "that's so stupid. why would you just lose interest when you've been chasing them for so long? it doesn't make sense to me."

          "men just suck ass, we been knew this. you'd never catch me falling for a man any time soon" yoojin says.

          nari and kyorin looked at each other, then at their friend before kyorin says, "don't you have a crush on sunghoon?"

"i literally said i don't want to talk about that."


          "why is that so fucking complicated? it's just letters and numbers." yoojin huffs. the trio was walking together down to the cafeteria.

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