Chapter one
I was siting in the living room watching AFV.l was lafing my head of. when my mom came in.she said are you ready to go to school. I rispond yes. I was at shool puting my things in my locker when i sow him. He had blacks hair and brown eyes. He satand out of all the kids in shcool.
Chapter two
Geting in trouble
I try to not look at him but his cute eyes were nothing like no one else. I look at my friend brianda and she said stop looking at him becouse he is my. Then I said no he is my. After that my friend would not talk to me for a week. A week past. I went to school. My friend brianda talk to me. I went to my locker and I found a not that said.
Hi my name is c.u.h.
I now you like mi I see you every day in the halls.
who i'm I.