Look Inside My Nightmare

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My name is Autumn I always seemed normal to everyone around me, but no one ever knew what horrors waited for me each night when I fell asleep. I'm going to take you through a day by day journal, documenting dreams I have so that others can experience what I do. Keep in mind that during my dreams I not only experience what happens through my own eyes but I switch to seeing myself as a person watching.

Dream #1 "The Eyeless Creature"

There are no lights on, I see nothing, hear nothing, the only thing that I can sense is an intense smell of fresh rain. Suddenly out of nowhere I hear the swishing noise of my bed comforter, I open my eyes to find my room now dimly lit with moonlight but see nothing beside the familiar surroundings of my bedroom. Thinking my mind was just playing tricks on me I closed my eyes and tried to fall back asleep. Once again awoken by a strange noise I hear whispering, like someone having a conversation next to me but I couldn't make out what they were saying. Now that I am completely to the point of being freaked out I roll over onto my right side only to see this thing staring back at me. I shot up from laying down to sitting in my bed too in shock to take my eyes off of this eyeless creature that began scurrying to the end of my bed. As it was doing this I observed that it wasn't wearing any clothes, it was gray, had a tail and no eyes. It looked as if it hadn't eaten in weeks with a rib cage that was prominently showing through its slimy skin. The creature was now sitting on the end of my bed and said to me "I've been watching you for weeks now every night, do you want to see what I'm going to do to you?". As soon as the words left it's haunting mouth the creature stood up slowly and with a swift motion broke its own neck and began slinking up the bed towards me. Just like that I was awake (for real this time) to find myself alone in my room at 4am practically in a panic.

Dream #2 "The Kidnapping"

I was out for a day of shopping with my mother, we were having a great time enjoying the city since we lived in the country and rarely went out for days like this. We had the best time going from shop to shop in a little strip mall looking at things we'd love to own but knew we'd never have the money to buy, but we didn't mind. As our day came to a close we grabbed the few items that we did buy and proceeded to get onto a city bus that would take us to where we'd parked our car in the next town over. The ride would take about 15 minutes and just as the last stop of people were getting on a dark skinned man stepped on the bus, my mom threw her head and eyes down and muttered to me "He's got safety pins in his ears, we have to get off this bus now!" (In this dream "safety pins" were a distinctive type of earrings worn by gang members to signify that they raped/murdered women. My mom kept telling me to run off the bus and the pressure became to much so I took off towards the front of the bus yelling for the driver to open the doors. Just as I thought I had safely jumped off the bus I felt the seemed to be gigantic gang member jump on top of me. I began to struggle to get away, and just as I thought he was giving up and I was free I realized the only reason he had stopped was because he had grabbed onto my mom. I noticed that I had picked the worst possible place to get off the bus, it was a remote secluded location that I was unfamiliar with, just a field and woods was all I could see it front of me. I darted behind a few bushes to watch where he was taking me mom to, it was an old house in the nearby distance, and I began making my plan of how I would save her.

I quickly but quietly made my way up to what looked to be the garage of the house looking for possible ways to get in. Out of nowhere I was grabbed from behind and drug into the house by the man where I remained tied up for what seemed like hours. I was sitting on the floor of a room on my knees i n front of a couch when the door opened and he walked in with a black bag, I knew he had my mother tied up in there. My mind was racing trying to think up ways to open that trash bag to give her air. Finally I thought of how on tv show the cops usually tried to talk down the "unsub" from doing something crazy. "What's wrong??!" I blurted out without thinking, "how can I make you happy? what do you need? Do you have someone to care for you?" He sat down on the couch almost eye to eye with me and laid the bag down in between us, "no I don't have anyone that cares for me, I'm always alone" he said in a quiet defensive voice. I figured if I tell him what he wants to hear hell let us go! I began, "We'll ill take care of you, I'll finally give you someone that's there for you." He froze with a shocked look on his face, "I think she needs air" I proceeded "Can I give her some so she can breathe?" He nodded towards the bag, but just as I was about to open it he stopped me and said "wait I'm bigger I can give her more air let me do it first." I was completely untrustworthy about what he was going to do supposedly, so I watched him very cautiously. Sure enough he opened the big and heaved a big breath into it. "Your turn." He said. I was beyond excitement with an overwhelming feeling of relief that she would live. I bent down and opened the bag only to see the horrifying sight of her dismembered body parts laid in a pile with her decapitated head making eye contact with me. I woke in a flash from the dream thankfully to see my mom putting on her makeup down the hall getting ready for work.

Dream #3 "Target Practice"

People would do crazy things for their family right? Well this one takes crazy to a completely different level. A killer by the name of Jeremy thought it would be funny to capture and torture random members of my family, so I thought it would be pretty fun to capture and torture him. I was better than him and I'd make him pay for what he did. I knew where he lived and where he spent most of his time-his barn where he did all of his "work". I had previously killed and decapitated 6 people in his family, they would come in handy later but I had to have my fun with him before I brought them out to play. One Wednesday afternoon I crept out to his barn where he was making one of his many devices, as soon as he knew I was behind him he began yelling at me for about 3 seconds until I had a long piece of razor wire threaded through his mouth and around the back of his head. I took him over to a chair, sat him down and tied his hands up but he wouldn't stop screaming! I thought about pouring some battery acid in his mouth to shut him up like he had done to my family, but I figured what was going to happen next would be torture enough for him. I pulled my car around to the front of the barn and pulled a bag out of the trunk containing his families heads. I also brought a gun and a few boards, why boards do you ask? I used the boards as a shelf and stacked them in front of Jeremy then began taking one head at a time and placing them on the board in front of him. Each time I would get my 12 gauge I brought, walk out a couple yards and take a shot at the head on the block facing him. The farther back I was the more it would explode on him, I wanted him to feel every ounce of pain he cause me over and over again. Then I woke up,with a horrible feeling of disgust. It's terrible going thought this when you sleep.

To be continued....

Just to let all the readers know none of this actually happened, they are just real dreams that I have and I figured they would make good story plots, I'm not insane and would never do any of these things lol . Thanks for reading!!:) vote and comment with your opinions.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2013 ⏰

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