Chapter 1

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The water in the depths of the catacombs would lay still and quiet. It's like an underground river that connects all five of the districts together. Not many people really know about its existence, but those who do find that it's a pretty nice place to get rid of things like bodies.

A small looking cookie would jump down one of the entrances into the catacombs. In one hand they'd be holding a sack over their shoulder, the other hand a small dagger. They'd land swiftly on their feet and turn around to the entrance they came from.

"Hah! Maybe think twice before messing with Sorbet Shark Cookie!" They'd yell back at the entrance.

Sorbet had just gotten away from some cookies they'd got into a fight with. Which was pretty normal for them. Sorbet usually steals from other cookies, which they're pretty good at but when they get caught it results in a fight. They usually stay for a bit just because they like to mock how weak the other cookie is but once they get bored they flee with whatever they stole.

They'd turn and go over to the ledge and call out into one of the pathways of water, "Hey river boy! I need another ride!"

It would only be a couple of minutes before a small figure could be seen in a boat on the water. The cookie in the boat would be wearing a cloak with the hood over their head. They would be holding an oar that they used to steer the small boat. The oar also appeared to be made out of topical looking fruit, though it did seem to be slightly damaged.

The cookie would steer the boat towards the concrete ledge and stop at it with his oar. Sorbet would jump down into the boat and put the sack they were carrying next to themself.

"You're here quicker than normal," Sorbet would remark, "Did you really miss me that much?" they'd say in a joking and slightly sarcastic way.

The cloaked cookie wouldn't respond. They'd just slightly tilt their gaze to Sorbet.

Sorbet would notice and sit up slightly, "Oh right, Eastside Dock, Golden." They just realized they never said where they needed to go.

The cookie would nod and use their oar to slightly push off of the ledge. They'd steer the boat to the path they came from and move the boat that way.

The tunnel they were taking was long and dark. The only light would be from the few torches which would be on the walls, though most of them weren't lit anymore. It would be quiet and the only sound would be the water slightly splashing against the boat. Seems like the ride will be a while.

Sorbet would be sitting in a relaxed position with their hands behind their head. They'd change their gaze to the water slowly drifting past them. It seemed so calm, as if it wasn't for the boat being there the water would be completely still. This sight couldn't help but make Sorbet think of their old home in the ocean.

Before, Sorbet lived in the ocean as a shark until they came to the surface. Even they don't really know how they were able to turn into a cookie when they're out of water, it's just something that happened. When they came to the surface though they weren't able to talk normally. They remember being seen as weak because of this. So they ended up forcing themself how to speak to prove they were strong.

It's also why they fight and steal from others a lot. They don't want to be seen as someone weak or lesser. Combat is a skill they naturally learned from how tough everyone in the Golden District is. The dagger they mainly use is actually one of the first things they stole and have used it as their weapon since.

Sorbet's train of thought would be interrupted by the sudden stop of the boat. The cookie had stopped the boat with their oar at the concrete ledge. It looked similar to where they were before but it was clearly different in some ways. The cookie would look down at Sorbet, silently implying that they were there.

"Here already? That was fast," Sorbet would say while getting up. They'd pick up their sack and hop out of the boat onto the ledge.

Sorbet would turn around back to the cookie, "Here." They'd take a gold coin from their pocket and toss it to the cookie. "You're not so bad river boy."

The cookie would catch the coin in their hand. They'd look at it for a moment before looking up at Sorbet and nodding slightly.

Sorbet would turn back and head towards where the exit was. Which is actually just a hole in the wall that leads upward. They'd hop through the rubble and out through the hole until they were out of the cookie's sight.

The cookie would look back at the coin in their hand. It was honestly a little strange that Sorbet would give it to them. Out of the few cookies that would come down for a ride to another district Sorbet was the one they saw the most. Maybe that had something to do with it, they still weren't sure.

From all the times they have seen Sorbet they actually don't know that much about them. All they really know is that they're a thief but that's mainly it. They do have a pretty good idea of where Sorbet will want to go though based on past rides. It's always either Vanilla or Hollyberry, then back to Golden since they're pretty sure Sorbet lives in that district as well.

The cookie would let out a small sigh. They'd clutch the coin in their hand for a moment before holding it over the dark water. As they looked at the coin one more time before dropping it into the water, they'd watch it sink out of sight.

"I'm nothing like you Sorbet."

(if you actually read this first chapter then ty that means a lot to me! I've never written anything over 1000 words before so I'm very proud of myself ngl. I know that number may not be impressive to some but it is to me lol. I'll also try to make the next chapter as soon as I can so cya till then :D!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2022 ⏰

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