Chapter 1

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The Story of Quinn Cullen

Chapter 1

Author's Note:

This is my new fan fiction!!!!!!!!!! So the idea came when I was at the library and I was like "What would Alice Cullen do?" and I came up with this really dramatic thing which actually became my first paragraph but then I realized that Alice wouldn't struggle that much and that my dramatic-ness would all be for nothing so I created a new character and umm yeah my dramatic-ness is still there. enjoy :)

They smelled so good. I choked as they walked by. I can't kill them. I can do this. I held my breath and calmly walked away. I didn't look at anything or anyone in particular. I started walking back towards the car and I knew my new family was close behind me. Alice shot me a worried glance when we got in the car. "Are you okay?" "I'm fine. Let's just get out of here." I said coldly. She could tell that I was disappointed in myself for not being able to handle it. "You have really good control for a newborn. I had no control when I was born. The only one who did was Bella but she didn't have a normal transformation like we did. You're doing great!" she said, but I was still upset with myself. "Why can't I do this?" I asked, more to myself than to Alice but she answered anyways. "You can do this. You just have to tell yourself that and believe it. It's not easy for anyone. Sometimes even I struggle with it. It will always be a struggle, you just have to overcome it," she said and I sighed. I could do it. I think. "Carlie?" she asked. How I despised that name. I was born Carlie Quinn Jackson, but I insisted that everyone call me Quinn. I don't know why I hate it, I just do, maybe it's because Carlie was just too girly and cute. I just liked Quinn better. "Quinn" I corrected. "Sorry, I forgot," Alice said. Who was she kidding? Vampires don't forget anything. But I let it pass. I didn't want to get in a fight with Alice. She liked Carlie better and after all and who could blame her? It was Rennesme's middle name.

I had almost forgotten about the others in the car. Jasper and Bella stared at Alice and I. Bella just looked confused. Everyone else knew what was going on except her. I knew Jasper could feel that I was still disappointed in myself and of course Alice knew. She knew me better than anyone else did. She had taken a liking to me. She was the one who found me after all.

*Flashback* It was night. It came out of nowhere. The blaring headlights had scared me but I couldn't move. I was frozen. The car hit me. I had hit my head hard. It was Alice who found me out on the street after the driver had taken off. Her glowing gold eyes and sparkling white skin had startled me at first. "Don't worry," she said in a high soprano voice. "I'm going to help you." She lifted me off of the ground and into her hard cold arms as if I weighed nothing. Not that I was that heavy, maybe 110 pounds, but it still shocked me that someone her size could lift me up that easily. She looked to be 4'11" maybe. I was slightly taller than her at 5'3". She looked a lot like me. She had short black pixie-like hair. My hair, although much longer, was the same color. I wore glasses and had hazel-brown eyes and pale skin for a human.

Everything went black for a while, as I trusted her to help me. What more could go wrong anyways? My body was asleep but my mind was not. A thousand questions ran through my head at the same time. Who was this person? How injured was I? Would I get better? How was she going to help me? Why were her eyes gold, and her skin so cold and hard? How come she could lift me so easily? My questions stopped when I felt something soft underneath me- a bed maybe? Then I heard their voices. First was the voice I had heard earlier, the clear soprano voice- the voice of the girl who saved me. "Carlisle" I think I heard her say. What a strange name I thought. Then I heard another voice- a man's voice, just as clear as the girl's but deeper. "Alice," it said. So that was her name. "What happened?" Carlisle asked. "She got hit by a car. I wanted to help. Can we change her, or is it to late? Alice asked him. Change me? What does that mean?

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