The Mistake Part 2

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Back at the Ghost...

Ezra's POV

"No, we can't leave!" I screamed as Zeb put me over his shoulder, making me punch him, and Kanan and Sabine were shooting the Troopers following them. "We can't leave her!"
"Well, sorry, kid," Zeb started as he lugged me into the ship. "We have to follow Kanan's orders!"
Kanan and Sabine shot the last of them and closed the ramp, and Zeb put me down once we got to hyperspace.
"No!!" I yelled and ran off to my room, locking the door behind me.
I got up on my bed and curled up into a ball, making the tears stream down my cheeks. Then, there was a knock at the door.
"Go away," I said harshly to them, recognizing it to be Kanan.
"Ezra, come on," he starts. "Let's train when we land on Coruscant, and maybe that'll get your mind off it."
"Fine," I said to him. "Just leave me alone for right now."

On Coruscant...

Kanan's POV

"Ezra, come on out," I said to him with a gentle voice, and I got no reply from him. "Ezra?"
I leaned my ear on the door to hear light breathing and snoring, and I smiled, walking away from the door.
"I'll let him rest," I said. "He needs it after that catastrophe."

On the Spire...

Inquisitor's POV

"Now, now," I started saying to the recruit. "You're coming with me to be bait for the Rebels and their Jedi and Padawan."
I let her go with the Force, and she started coughing, holding her neck with her hand. Then, I snapped, letting two Troopers into the same room as us.
"Take her to a cell, tie her up, and make sure she can't talk," I said to them, and they grabbed her and walked off.
I smirked, watching as she was being dragged away.
"Heh..." I said, showing my yellow teeth. "This will be marvelous,"

Sorry if updates are short. I've been so busy and I can never get sleep. Like, comment, and share!

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