1. Loss and Gain

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The little boy huffed!

His eager eyes were rounding all over the little flower shop. Every single day for more than two months this tiny tot is trying to uncover the angel who always keeps his favourite chocolate muffins available on the small counter of this shop without any missing. How does she always get to know when he will come to shop and what muffins he likes! He always wonders. So today he is determined and single-headed.. he won't return home until he gets to meet the angel muffin.

"Tua madre deve essere preoccupata per te, piccolo" The middle-aged lady sitting against the cash counter warily spoke. Without any second thought, she knew all efforts of this curious little's will go in vain like every day. She herself is trying her best to make the new member of her home socialise with the neighbourhood but she is rigid against doing so. (Your mom must be worried about you, baby)

"Voglio incontrarla subito" The boy being extremely tired of that hide and seek game exclaimed fussily. Even one day he decided not to accept these muffins anymore until he gets to meet the maker behind them but like always his solid determination could not win over his cravings. (I want to meet her right away)

Rose was very carefully listening to their conversation from the door's side. She wanted to decipher the meanings but she could not. How could she! She never communicated with a single human there and on top of that being a slow learner did not help her at all. Her only hope, Agatha, was also not good at this department. That being the fact, she became Rose's only medium of translating the words she designs to convey very rarely.

Rose would attentively listen or peep inside the shop in the afternoon time when the customers would be much lesser than usual. Agatha insisted her to manage the flower shop at least during this time but Rose being insecure has not agreed on this deal yet.

When she sneaked a look inside the shop she saw the familiar little boy was busy talking to Agatha though he usually leaves by this time. Observing no other customer's presence, Rose thought to take the chance to meet the little boy. She knew Agatha would be more than happy to help her with this.

As soon as she forwarded a step, one young lady opened the front door seizing her actions. She had a noticeable baby bump and it was beautiful.

"Marco" She called out for the boy. That boy ran towards his mother and wrapped his tiny arms around her body. That neighbourly lady was exchanging some sweet talks with Agatha while running her fingers through her baby boy's hair. Neither Rose could concentrate on their conversation nor on the boy anymore. Her eyes were stuck on the young lady. She was glowing, she was looking so happy with her family around just how Rose ached to be.

Her baby bump would have grown like that too if that unfortunate incident did not occur. Her mind, her heart numbed like every time that cursed night strikes through her senses. It was unforgettable. Her unlucky desperation was to blame, her desires for achieving her freedom and her selfishness towards it was to blame. Being rationally selfish for only once in her entire life had caused her the life of her unborn fetus. She never demanded freedom at the cost of her baby. It was not something in her plan.

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