Chapter One

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Today is our day off between two concerts and I’m alone in my hotel room while the others are busy visiting the city or resting. I worked on some G.C.F editing for the last hours but now I’m done and want to relax too. To be more precise I had to stop because editing made me think about Tae too much. His face was everywhere I looked. It seems that I can’t help myself filming him more than the others when I work on a G.C.F. I really should be more careful before someone notices. I wonder if he notices. But it’s so hard to resist, he’s so beautiful, I have to film him every time I can. I want to grab every chance I have to record bits of him.

I always feel the need to capture his voice and his eyes on video. But his smile is what I want to keep in memory the most. He truly has the most enchanting smile. Not the smile he uses for photoshoots but his real one, shaped like a heart, when we can barely see his eyes anymore because his smile is so wide.

This one always lights up my world. Every time, with no exception, no matter how tired or how moody I am, if Tae smiles like this, I’m happy.

I’m stiff after sitting at my desk for hours so I grab my phone and go relax on my bed. I try to distract myself from thinking about Taehyung again but nothing online is powerful enough to do that. No, I know what I want. I go to my bookmarks and click on a Tumblr that I love.

It’s full of fan arts of Tae and me, cuddling, kissing, and sometimes fucking. But I don’t go to those sexy ones yet, right now I’m more in the mood for cuddles. I’m dying to feel Tae against me, holding me tight, his lips barely touching my skin, telling me he loves me too.
We have hugged many times before but never like this. He always hugs me very closely but we never kissed or confessed our love to each other.

Well, I never did.

I’m not sure he has anything to confess to me. Taehyung is so friendly maybe he thinks our cuddles and closeness are nothing more than friendship or, worst, brotherhood. At times I think he feels more than this and that he wants to be with me too.

But most of the time my mind tells me to stop dreaming and that he only sees me as a very good friend and that he would never consider kissing me. I must be crazy and I’ll probably never know for sure. Until I do, I have those fan arts to help me imagine what it would be like.

What it would feel like to be kissed by his lips, to be touched tenderly by him. I’m sure he would be a very sweet and gentle boyfriend. I often dream of hearing him say my name as we are making out, like a whisper between us.

I flip through several of my favorite fan arts before stopping on one that was added to the album recently. It represents me and Tae against a wall and he’s kissing my neck, while I’m blushing, my head dropped, my eyes closed. It’s a very soft fanart but I love it. I can’t help thinking how badly I want something like this to happen for real. To feel his kisses like the Jungkook on the drawing does and let myself go. I close my eyes as I imagine it. I’ve seen those images in my head so many times that I can almost feel the heat of his mouth against my neck, feel his body against mine and hear his voice call my name-


Wait, what? No, I’m not dreaming this part, Taehyung is really calling my name?

Well probably not for the sexy reasons I was picturing but he is! I realize that he’s behind my hotel door and I’m all flustered because I can feel my cheeks being all red and hot after this short Taekook daydream session on my own. Thank god I didn’t have time to go further before he came!

“Jungkook? You’re here? Can you open?”

“Yeah? coming!”

I leave my phone on the bed and rush to open the door quickly.

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