▪︎■ 33 ■▪︎

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▪︎■ Ainara Moreno ■▪︎

Everything about his face was perfection and I swore his body would only add to his perfectness. His eyes which were able to hold so much softness and desire, his soft, dark hair, his slightly crooked nose, his perfectly sculpted lips, the stubble on his literally perfect chin... I wondered about two things; 1. how a damn chin could even be 'perfect' and 2. what it would feel like while kissing, or even better- buried between my thighs. I brought my hand up to his jawline and let my thumb caress the scratchy stubble.

His words were probably the hottest thing someone had ever said to me. I smiled to myself. He is special.

He licked his lips.
"What are you thinking about?" He asked with a lowered voice. I felt his clothed erection on my lower stomach. I just knew he was big...

I want to kiss you.

"I miss your hand around my throat..." I answered, grinning sultryly.

His eyes hooded and darkened. "Now you want it? Weren't you scared that I could hurt you, Ainara?" I could die every time he said my name.

"It's a different situation now... I know you wouldn't hurt me either way, Adrin. But what if I asked you to?" I whispered, my hand moving down to his neck. I meant what I said, I trusted him.

He sighed and shook his head lightly. When his eyes found mine, I was relieved to see he was grinning. "I have to hand it to you, you certainly know how to make a statement." He licked his lips again. "How far do you want to go, Nara?"

I folded so hard when I heard his nickname for me. This man...

"I've always wanted to be part of the mile high club, Mr. Bianchi." I answered, kissing my teeth.

"I've never wanted anyone this badly before, angelo... If you don't stop the teasing, I fear I'll break my words to not have you..."

I grinned. "I know. I never said I'd play fair."
I felt myself needing more of what he had to offer. His fingers weren't enough, now, that he showed me how good he could make me feel.

We stared into each others eyes before I decided to do something, because he wouldn't. I slowly pulled his head down to me, my mouth finding his ear.

"Come on... I want to touch you, hermoso," I answered, whispering into it, then kissing his neck. The man sucked air inside his lungs, audibly surprised by my lips. I smiled against his hot skin and began to suck on it, careful not to leave any marks. His head tilted slightly, giving me more space to continue what I was doing. He smelled so fucking good I couldn't think straight and when I felt his throat vibrating against my lips from the groan he praised my work with, I felt even more encouraged.

"Fuck it. Jump..." He breathed and I immediately understood. Without stopping my work I did what he asked me to and closed my legs around his waist. His hands were big and I felt them on my ass, holding me in place. "Just to be clear, you want me to take this to the bedroom, mh?"

"Mh-hm," I agreed without leaving his skin with my lips to speak.

He brought us to the little door he had disappeared through before. I had never felt lighter in my whole life right then when he picked me up and carried me around like my weight and gravity were a joke to him. The whole time I heard his quick breathing, felt his pounding heartbeat and listened to the cussing and muttering under his breath. I enjoyed how much of an effect I had on him. At least I wasn't the only one now.

I had to seperate my lips from his now red skin because my back hit the matress with him hovering over me.

"You really want this?"

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