Kunle's Memory

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My driving platform is watt pad. I plan to extend the story of the character Kunle. Kunle Is the first person introduced in the short film. The shocking amazing jaw dropping HFS, plot twist you can exclusively learn in this east coast extension is Kunle actually knew the unconscious girl......in his last scene Kunle is gazing into the red and blue flashing lights... as he takes a deep breath in it suddenly all comes crashing back into his memory, she was the girl who bumped him on the train platform two weeks ago, she was the one who stole his wallet.

     Kunle's Memory

(Kunle walks back into the house...Goes straight to the kitchen stool ... he sits to think..." why was she here? Did she come back to rob him again? How did she get into the house?" All these questions came rushing at once; and If! he, had remembered just one minute sooner perhaps Sean's paranoid thoughts about the police and their reaction to an unconscious white woman in their apartment... would've been a reality!!! Who would've ever believed "Becky" an "unarmed pickpocketing Caucasian woman" would voluntarily walk into the house of the starving "black" college student she robbed just two weeks prior?? Kunle gets up from the kitchen stool and proceeds upstairs to where his roommates are now relaxed and smoking a joint together in celebration of this close call.)

(Kunle enters the room with a blank stare on his face)
Sean: Maaaan!! lighten up we just dodged a huge bullet today you wanted to help society and the community, right?? well you just helped us live another night let's celebrate!
Luis: yeah man Tranquillo!! Calmate hermano.
Carlos: (Off in the background on his PS five) yeah I was nervous at first but ... that's crazy how I didn't hear anything??
(Kunle flops on the beanbag chair)
Carlos: hey be careful it already has a hole in the back
Kunle: I have something to tell you guys (his eyes looked up at all of them) I just remember who that girl was ... remember I was telling you guys about the girl who robbed me on the train about two weeks ago... remember... I was telling you she bumped into me as I was getting on the train, and she was getting off and she pickpocket me... smiled and stole my wallet at the same time...that was her!!
Sean: no way!! (Smokes pen) See!! I knew there was a reason I didn't want to call the police they would've tried to say we planned this all to get revenge.
Carlos: Yeah, that sounds about Right! but that still doesn't explain why was she here in the first place?
Luis: do you think she came back to rob you again?
Sean: how much money did you have in your wallet? Are you a secret millionaire? (Smokes pen)
Kunle: no way! I just had my ID library card maybe $30 an old picture of me and my mom... really that's it!
Sean: you know we never really checked the house to see if anything was missing, we walked in, and she was just on the floor we panicked the rest upstairs to see you about you.
Kunle: you mean I rushed upstairs to check on him and see if he was still alive which reminds me how didn't you hear anything at all??
Carlos: you know me.... I was on the phone with Luis the whole time and gaming...between the two it's kinda hard to hear anything else.
Sean: yeah, I bet she made a loud noise when she hit the ground
Kunle: not unless she laid there
Luis: but why would she lay on the floor why not the couch?
Sean: which brings me back to she fell and hit the ground!!! but none of that matters I think we should check the house and see if anything is missing
Kunle: I agree, maybe she did come here to rob me again we should look. I'll look upstairs... Sean you check downstairs... Carlos and Luis check in the basement (Everyone looks at each other in agreement) -(5mins later)
Sean: everything looks good to me my PlayStation is still there all the food in the refrigerator all of our stuff is in the kitchen it looks like she didn't touch anything in there
Carlos: yep it's all clear down there to me and Luis check the basement it's still dark and dusting nothing was moved
Luis: I think I saw chucky... (laughs)
Kunle: yeah I didn't see anything missing either this is weird why was she here then?
(Luis rolling a joint suddenly has a thought)
Luis: maybe she wasn't here to steal anything ... maybe she came to give you your wallet back... instead of looking for something missing look for something lost
(The group looked baffled at his enlightened way of thinking)
Sean: Wow...you're smoking that good stuff aren't you...
Kunle: I'm going to go check on my stuff in the room again maybe you're right
(Kunle leave the room where his friends are and enters into his domain. Making a mental checklist in his head he begins to think of all the places to look under "the dresser drawers, closet and all of my jacket pockets, nightstand, bookshelf, desk, under bed." After 45 minutes of searching Kunle realizes he has destroyed his room in efforts to try and understand just why this unnamed woman was in their house. Shaking his head in both disbelief and frustration he lays down on the bed placing his hands and face into and under his pillow...
Kunle: What the...here it is! (he pulls his hands slowly from underneath the pillow and there was his wallet... intact, just waiting for him to feel it...flipping open the wallet, a small origami heart shape note fell from in between the layers and simply read "open me".) Luis was right !! she brought it back
(Kunle rushes back into the room with his friends)
Kunle: LOOOK!!!! She did bring it back Luis you're a genius!!
Sean: You gotta be shitting me!!! Did you take anything?? was your $30 missing??
Kunle: surprisingly no, nothing was missing at all, but she did leave this note...
Carlos: looks like a heart... What did it say?
Kunle: I don't know .... I didn't open it yet
Sean: here give it to me ... I will read it for you... what if it says something crazy like she's your stalker lover...(group chuckle)
(Kunle hands Sean the note)
Kunle: Ok
(Sean opens the carefully folded heart shape note and starts to read)

"With all due respect I was going to just leave this here, but it wouldn't have felt right without a note, so I'll get right to it. Last week or maybe two weeks ago you bumped into a brunette with a small bag while you were getting onto the train and she was getting off what you don't know is that brunette is me, cunningly I maneuvered my way into your coat pocket. I was looking for money to purchase medication, so I sniffed around your wallet looking for cash, but I figured you didn't have any when I saw your student ID; what I saw next compelled me in such a way that I had to come back and return it. Your medical emergency card was neatly tucked into the side pocke.t Now to some people that may not mean anything but for people like us who suffer from epilepsy it's a pretty big deal especially if we're in public somewhere and should have an episode and be in need of emergency medical help.
Listen I still don't have the meds which is so totally not your problem, but I had to return your wallet I felt so guilty especially because I can relate. Though we may never meet again I hope you remain in good health and it's best to keep your hands in your coat pocket, so you know who's in them.
The girl with the brunette hair-"

Luis: that's deep
Kunle: perhaps she was having an emergency


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2022 ⏰

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