Actor Mark x GN!Reader x Darkiplier

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I wrote this instead of sleeping for my exam and I'm actually really proud of it. The reader in this isn't the DA but in this they still took the role of the DA.

Your memory was always foggy. When you thought you remembered something from your past it would fly away from you.

You told your best friend Mark about it but he just waved it off as remembering dreams but as of late memories Mark would joke about with you seemed unfamiliar and like they were someone else's and not yours.

So here you sat on the couch with Mark just watching some rubbish TV shows "no you completely failed at riding that skateboard" you were about to respond but that feeling of unfamiliarity returned. You were trying hard to remember the memory but it wasn't coming back to you.

A sense of dread crept up and you stood up "I need to go to the bathroom" without responding you walked quickly to the bathroom. You locked the door and looked in the mirror.

Everything was going fuzzy and you closed your eyes to try to regain focus but when you opened your eyes you were on a staircase. You couldn't control your own body and it moved itself.

You ran quickly up the stairs catching the flashing lights in a room "Damien!" You called out before the lights stopped. You were pulled towards a person, a detective?

He began quickly pulling you away to another part of the house while talking. It then hit you what this house was.

Markiplier Mansion.

You recognised the detective as well "Abe?" You internally called out as your body continued following him.

Before you could continue to try to recognise other things you were pulled from the memory and were in Mark's bathroom again. He was knocking at the door "Y/N? Are you okay?" You felt panicked.

What is this place? Who's 'Mark' at the door then? Who is Damien?

You decided to try shake that off and open the door giving your best friend a weak smile "I'm fine, just felt a bit ill but I feel better now" he let out a sigh of relief "I'm glad, come on you're about to miss the drama" he began walking towards to the livingroom and you followed.


A little while later you decided to ask Mark something. "Mark? Do you think we had past lives?" He looked down at you confused. "That's a weird question" you made eye contact with him, really wanting to hear his answer "well maybe.." he answered.

You tried to get him to continue but he went silent and focused on the TV again.

It struck you.


He was the reason.

You shifted away nervously. "Mark?" You called meekly and he looked at you with a blank expression "who's Damien?" He went stiff at the name but smiled and waved you off "we don't know a Damien dummy, unless you're talking about that vampire show we watched."

You swallowed thickly. He realised you weren't buying the act. "Listen Y/N, you don't need to worry about him or any of them now, it's just us" you got upset for some reason "Mark" you whispered "what did you do?" He frowned deeply "I didn't do anything" he hissed "they ruined everything" you flinched back at his tone.

You stood up, your whole friendship was fake. "Y/N don't try anything" he lowly warned "You're not the person I thought you were" you whisper before trying to run but Mark was up in a second and grabbed your wrist and pulled you to him.

"Stop it! I did this for us! You wouldn't have survived if not for me!" You tried struggling "you ruined everything! You're the reason they're gone! The reason he's gone!" You cried out and he growled in response.

"They were a necessary sacrifice, after Celine I never thought I would find love again but I found you and you lit up my whole life, that one visit to Damien's office changed my life" you began to freely cry.

Everything was coming back to you. Your feelings for Damien, how well you and Celine got along and you and William's friendship. Just generally just the three of you getting along fantastically.

"Mark! Where are they?!" You scream out and all he does is whisper "Somewhere you'll never find them."


You woke up even though you wanted to just sleep for eternity, Mark walked in "Y/N?" You didn't respond "still not speaking to me?" It has been a week since you had gotten your memories back and Mark had been keeping you here while also trying to get your friendship back to how it was before.

"Well I'll leave your breakfast here and I'll be downstairs if you get bored" he left and shut the door.

You sat up and looked at the mirror across from the bed, you looked like shit but that was the least of your worries right now.


All across the mirror cracks suddenly spread and you jumped back and hit the headboard of the bed. A figure materialised on the mirror and you realised it was a man. He looked like Damien but his hair hung down over one of his eyes and his suit didn't have a tie and in general was a lot less neat.

He stepped through the mirror and in front of the bed and only then you were aware of the red and blue that surrounded him. He had a harsh gaze on his face but it softened a fraction when seeing you.

"Y/N" he called and he had the same accent as... "Damien!" You exclaimed and quickly ran over to hug him. He grimaced at the name but hugged you back nonetheless. "I've missed you" he whispered and you felt yourself smile widely and begin crying "I have too."

The bedroom door burst open and Mark was there looking angry just like he had when you tried running from him.

"You" He spat at Damien but the man only sneered "Mark" Mark went to grab you but Damien pulled you back behind him.

"I think you'll find that we will be leaving" he stated simply "You're not taking anything else from me, hand them over" it was a warning that sent shivers down your spine but Damien turned to you and whispered "do you trust me?." Concern flashed across your face but you nodded anyway. He didn't say more before pushing you towards the mirror, you tried to stop yourself but you fell into it.

Instead of feeling pain everything got darker and you got further away from the window that was the mirror. It was suffocating the darkness and you didn't know where you were going so you just closed your eyes.

Finally you landed somewhere, you opened your eyes and took a greedy breath of air. You looked around you and spotted a man with a pink oversized moustache.

While taking breaths you exclaimed "Will!" He looked excited at seeing you, you were quickly swept up in a hug "oh he's got you back!" You were shocked but hugged back.

Finally he pulled you back and he had a large goofy grin on his face "you have all your memories back yes?" You nodded and he brightened even more "oh it worked! It worked! We've been working on this plan for months and it finally worked!" You raised an eyebrow "you were the ones trying to get me to remember?"

He nodded and began to explain how Damien could travel through mirrors and began trying to find you and when he did he realised Mark had you under a spell of sorts so they worked for ages trying to figure out a way to get you to remember and it worked.

Soon Damien came through the same mirror as you but a lot more graceful. You turned to him "thank you Damien" he then sighed "Y/N, I'm not Damien" you were confused "I'm a mix of Damien and Celine. I just go by Dark now."

You frowned slightly as you thought but then settled with a neutral expression on your face "Okay" the atmosphere got tense and Wil noticed.

"Come on, we have tons of catching up to do and you need to meet the other egos, they're real swell guys"

This was going to be a long catch up.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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