Alt Ending

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*Max saves his dad using the perfect cast and reels him back up, movie progresses as normal but before the concert....*

Max: Hey dad??

Goofy: What is it son? We gotta get to LA before the show starts so you can dance with that powerline fella.

Max: yeah, it's just I wish I could apologize to Roxanne now instead of later for lying

Goofy: aw son, I know but, she'll probably understand because your trying to impress her

Max: I know dad, but thanks for letting me talk to you ab-

*tire blowout*

Both: WOAH!!!

*spin infront of a bus, and none other than powerline himself jumps out*

Powrline: You two alright?!

Goofy and max: yeah we're ok..

Max: wait a minute, YOU'RE POWERLINE!!

*powrline winks and helps them out of the car*

PL: I'd assume you'd be on your way to my show right??

Goofy and max both nod

*max then explains everything to powerline*

PL: Hey max, I went through the same thing with my dad. This stuff happens in life, but it sounds like you two made the best of it!

PL: And Goofy, I know you were trying to help your son, but like I said to max, life happens man, just live it one day at a time. Your son isn't going to the chair anytime soon, he's a good kid. Rough around the edges, but what can I say, he's got killer music taste

*all laugh*

PL: Now what's this about impressing a lil lady of yours max?

As the three travel to the stadium, max explains everything

PL: I see. Well you're just in luck. Hey Peter! *one of his roadies turn his head* Get the helicopter ready!

Max: The WHAT?!

PL: Let's go max, we've got a girl to surprise

Goofy: WAIT!!

Max: What is it dad

*goofy gives max a bouquet of flowers* for Roxane.

*max tears up and hugs his dad*

PL: I'm gonna start the show, Peter will get you back in time for the final number *winks and finger guns at max*

Max: Thanks powerline

PL: Please, call me Tevin

*as the helicopter whisks away, powerline looks at goofy*

PL: So, I heard your quite the dancer from
Your son?

Goofy looks at PL and smiles

I guess

PL: Good *tosses goofy a white sequins shirt* lets rock tonight goof!

Goofy: Alright!

Meanwhile at the party

Roxanne: I don't see max yet

Her friend: He'll be on any-

*sound of a helicopter*

Max: Roxanne!

Roxanne: Max? W-what are you doing here?!

Max: I'll explain on the helicopter

Roxanne: the WHAT?!

Max: I'm getting you to LA for the final number

The whole party: WHAT?!

Roxanne looks speechless

The whole party: WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!!!

*Roxanne grabs max hand and goes with him*

Final number: I 2 I starts to play as the helicopter descends

PL: Max!! Finale time baby!!!

Max: Wanna dance? *he extends his hand to Roxanne*

Roxanne: B-but

Goofy: You'll be fine

Max: Oh, that's my dad.

Goofy and PL help max and Roxanne on stage and the finale goes off without a hitch

At the end of the song, max displays the flowers to Roxanne

Roxanne then wraps max in a giant hug

Oh max.


PL: well aren't you two cute

*roxanne is all cuddled up to max as they get ready to leave*

PL: Hey goofy, I don't live to far from you guys actually

*jaws DROP*

PL gives goofy his number: Gimme a call, and teach me that perfect cast of yours

Goofy: Will do!!

PL waves goodbye to the 3 as they fly away

Roxanne falls asleep on max's shoulder and goofy smiles

You're a real gentleman Maxie

Next day

Goofy: Oh Maxie, someone's at the door

Max Who-

Roxanne is at the door

Max stutters H-hi Roxa-

Roxanne kisses him

R: You talk to much you goof. Now, I already called your dad

Goofy winks

And your coming with me for ice cream

M: but I had plans with my dad

G: Son, *puts hand on M shoulder* Go show her the best in you

Max smiles and walks down the street, hand in hand with Roxanne


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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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Alternate Ending to A Goofy MovieWhere stories live. Discover now