Time To Rest...

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The sound of a handgun being loaded surrounded the whole place. It was a dark, shady place. Water dripped from the pipes, walls destructed, the ceiling was half destroyed. The place was somewhere in japan. The darker and inner parts of Tokyo.

"Stop it, Mikey-Kun..." a man with black hair, ocean blue dull eyes and blood all over his body was on his knees. He had two shots of bullets on his chest.

However impossible it seemed, that guy didn't feel any pain. The shots were nothing in front of beating and near-death situations he had been in.

Hanagaki Takemitchi cried as he looked at his friend.

What was this dark impulse? Was it killing someone? Was it hurting someone?

Impulse is something we all have. A dark impulse is, hurting someone on impulse. Every human has an impulse or urges to do something. When it turns out that in that impulse, you want to hurt someone, it becomes your 'Dark Impulse'.

Unknown to everyone, there was another person with such impulse. Many a time the impulse wanted him to kill someone. That's when he would injure himself. The smell of blood had become fragrance for him and the pain, his feelings.

Hanagaki Takemitchi had hidden this huge secret from his friends. He couldn't bring himself to tell them. He knew exactly what Mikey meant about 'Stay Away' from him. In his dark impulse, Mikey had created one of the world's scariest criminal organizations.

Mikey had a lifeless face with a lifeless smile. His eyes showed no pain. His heart felt no feelings. He had killed everyone. Around takemitchi was the pull of blood formed from his friend's blood. Hakkai and yuzuha were fallen aside. Chifuyu was dead beside kazutora and Naoto. He died while protecting them, but the other two were killed as well.

Mikey had become a monster. No one was able to kill him. Not even touch him.

Hinata had died in a single shot. It was near her heart. Senju was just beside him. When he saw Senju dead beside him, his heart felt rapid beats. For some unknown reason, he had this gut feeling that he wanted to protect her. Maybe, cuz friends, that's what he thought.

"I told you the same takemitchi. Stop. But you didn't listen to me. Why?" a cold and life drained voice surrounded the place.

"I was...wrong. I was wrong thinking I changed everything. Give me another chance Mikey-Kun... I'll bring you back..." takemitchi, as foolish he was still tried to talk it out. Mikey had another smile on his face. "What for now? Everything is already destroyed takemitchi. There's nothing left to bring me back. I told you, don't come after me... everything will go down the drain."

Takemitchi's eyes widened. Mikey was right. Everything was destroyed. Everyone has died. What was he working so hard for? Just so everyone died?

"It's time you sleep takemitchi. You need rest." Mikey aimed the gun at takemitchi.


Another bullet crossed takemitchi's chest, blood spurted out but there was no pain on his face.

His hand touched a gun. He took it. Mikey didn't move nor did he do anything.


Takemitchi reloaded the gun. Maybe this place was another spot for bontens meetings. Maybe someone left this gun here?

"You're right Mikey-Kun. It's time to rest..." the last smile spread around his face. "...for both of us." the same smile appeared on Mikey's face.

They aimed the gun at each other's heads.

"I am sorry Mikey-Kun.."
"I am sorry takemitchy.."

Pow! Pow!


Peace. Rest. Calm.
Any word that could represent peacefulness of mind and calm of heart, was futile in front of what takemitchi was feeling right now.

What was this feeling? It was so good that takemitchi didn't feel like leaving from here. He was tired, too tired.

He needed rest. A lot of it. And death was perfect for it...

He could only feel it, he couldn't listen nor talk.

"What happened to master?"

"He has returned, he fulfilled the requirements."

"Ah! I see. It must be time for that..."

"Yes, let's proceed."

The voices died and takemitchi's body started glowing.

"We will be waiting, master..."

Both voices spoke again before going silent. Takemitchi's body disappeared.


"Waah..." after a slight spank, the baby cry ran through the room. It was a prestigious hospital with top quality service and doctors.

"Honey..." a lady with black hair took her child in her hands. She had just given birth to her second child. Her son.

"Dad, can I see him!?" the older girl, around 5 years started pulling to her father's pants.

"Sure dear..." that man was in his mid-30's. Black hair, black eyes and muscular but fit build. His clothes were branded.

He lifted his daughter and went near his wife. She was a black-haired woman with a beautiful face. A mole on her cheek, on her left side near her nose. Blue oceanic eyes.

The girl started looking happily with puppy eyes at her brother.

The kid was now quiet. He had yet not opened his eyes. But the doctors had assured them that he was fine and was just taking a bit of time to be awake.

"He is so cute!!" the girl poked her baby brothers cheeks. Both the parents smiled seeing their kids. It was the happiest moment of their life.

While the family was having their moment... something was happening with the kid.

'Wh.. what the fuck!!' takemitchi thought when he heard his parents voice.

'I.. isn't that dad? Mom? What's happening??' he had just started thinking, and soon he fell asleep.

An old song of the '70s started ringing on the man's phone. Despite his modern attire and royal look, his ringtone surprised the nurses around him.

"Yes? What is it ray...?"

"Sir, we have a meeting with the S&T company today. You have to arrive soon.." a man around 25 spoke from the opposite side.

"I won't be able to ray. Not today..."

"But sir, we have billions on the stake on this meeting!" the boy argued hastily.

"I understand that ray, but, I don't care about those billions currently. They're not important to me right now.."

"But they're for our company sir, you can't decide so hastily?!" that young man seemed surprised even after being familiar with this 'My family first' guy. It always shocked him how this man left any amount of money just for his family. Wasn't he supposed to be the rising business tycoon of japan?

"I know that bu-..." a hand grabbed his shirt. "You should go. You don't have to be here now." his wife told him. "But dear...I want to be here with him." the supposed 'Business Tycoon' asked with puppy eyes. The same as his daughter did a few moments ago.

"You can spend time with him later...now go!" she hissed and her husband quickly started walking out, not wanting to anger his wife. "I'll be sending kurouka-san to take you home..." he notified his wife.



[ An: Yup, let takemitchi have rich parents. Forget the part of him being asleep in a small apartment in the canon. Also, from next chapt, I'll be calling him 'Mitchy'. His name is too long🙃😐 ]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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