Anguish: A Found Poem From Elie Wiesel's Novel Night on the Holocaust

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A Found Poem from Elie Wiesel’s Novel Night, written about the Holocaust.  All lines are words or sentences from the novel.


My father was crying. It was the first time I saw him cry

We had ceased to be men       

Our terror could no longer be contained

We cannot give up, we cannot give up

Where is God?

I was face-to-face with the Angel of Death


Left, right, left, right

I had no strength left


Was there a single place where one was not in danger of death?

The days became short and the nights almost unbearable


I felt sick at heart

I no longer felt the pain

Was I still alive? Was I awake?

God is no longer with us

I was alone, terribly alone

Night had fallen




I was afraid

It’s over                   

Anguish: A Found Poem From Elie Wiesel's Novel Night on the HolocaustWhere stories live. Discover now