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"Hi! I'm Kailey. I'm fifteen years old and living the general, boring, teenage life."

Nope, too boring.

Kailey had to prepare her introduction for the first school day, which was in ten hours. "I play soccer, dance, and play drums in a band with my friends Karl, Lea, Alyssa and Tori." She paused and thought about it. It sounded boring the way she wrote it down, but what else was she supposed to say? "I live with my parents, older brother Mike, little sister Millie, and my two cats Halo and Noxy." That's all the basic information she could think about for now.

Suddenly her mom knocked on the door. "Kailey? Are you still awake?" The girl let out a sigh and rolled her eyes. "Yes mom, I'm awake. What is it?"

"Are you going to bed soon honey?"

"Yes mom." Another eye roll. Kailey loved her mom, she truly did, but she got on her nerves so often that by now even the slightest comment could make Kailey angry.

"Okay goodnight, see you tomorrow sweetie."

"Night mom."

As her mother's footsteps receded, Kailey looked at the time: 10 o'clock. "Seriously? 10?" She put her notebook in her bag and changed into her pajamas, brushed her teeth and got into bed. She put her phone on the charger, turned off her lamp and opened snapchat on her phone, feeling the need to talk with her best friend. Pressing the call button, it ringed two times before someone picked up, the familiar sound filling the room. Kailey quickly turned her volume down a bit.

"Hi M." She softly said with a smile on her face.

"Hey idiot!" Her best friend May replied in a cheerful tone. Her face looked surprised as she looked at her screen and saw Kailey in a dark room in her pajamas, with her face half buried in her pillow. "Wait, you're in bed already?"

"Yeah, my mom again." Kailey told her, rolling her eyes once again.

"Damn, your life sucks." May laughed.

"Wow! May Kentala finally noticed something!" Kailey laughed as well, feeling better than she had three minutes earlier. "But yes, my life sucks."

The two girls chatted for another two hours before May muted to get ready for bed. 10 minutes later she left the call on her pc and immediately rejoined it on her phone, while getting into bed. "Hey Kay?"

Kailey hummed, already half asleep.

"You tired girlie?" May giggled at the tired mumble she was supposed to take for an answer. "Want me to stay on call?"

Kailey started blushing as she hid her face in her pillow and mumbled a quiet 'please'. May chuckled at the reaction, not knowing the real reason for it.

"Can you tell me a story or something?" Kailey asked, still extremely flustered and not moving her head to the camera, even though her room was completely dark and May wouldn't be able to see her pink cheeks.

As May told the tired teen about her day in an excited voice, though still managing to keep it down, Kailey fell asleep with a small smile plastered on her face. When May noticed her best friend fell asleep she stopped talking and muted her side of the call. After a few minutes she fell asleep as well.


A loud and obnoxious beeping sound is what woke Kailey up. She groaned while opening her eyes and reached out her hand to turn off her alarm. Not even a second later her younger sister Millie burst through the door with way too much energy for this early in the morning.

"Get up sis! It's the first day of school!"

"How could you possibly be excited for that?" Kailey often liked to pretend that she hated school, when in reality, it wasn't that bad.

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