CHAPTER 1 An affair with a woman

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William aftons POV
I walk my way to the dark purple car in the drive way and get in slamming the door behind me gripping the steering wheel so tight my knuckles were turning white
"That damned wife of mine thinking she can just kick me out for the night after I forget to do the dishes after a long day at Fredbears she doesn't understand how stressful it is to deal with her shit sometimes. My mind is racing on what I want to do to her but I know that if I do I'll surely be arrested and im not trying to get jailed *sigh* Keep it together William you're stronger than that you just need to go to the bar and have a few drinks to settle you're mind. Yes that's just it" I said calming myself down as to not lose it completely. I growled as I look back at my house seeing my wife glaring at me from the upstairs window then I drove off just to go drink away the anger as I do almost every week.
I have been at this bar for over an hour slowly drinking away the anger and I can't stop looking at this woman her wonderful body, wonderful blonde hair, gorgeous baby blue eyes if only my wife looked as good as that beautiful woman I don't even care what her name is at this point I need her so I got up to talk to her "Hey there I saw you drinking alone and thought I could join you" I said smiling and sitting next to her "Oh hi hehe I drink here alone a lot being a lonely single 26 year old woman with no kids gets to me sometimes" the woman said in her beautiful soft voice how could someone like her have no one she could have anyone she wanted with those looks " I have kids it's quite an ordeal to have them around but it's lovely having kids. My name's William by the way" I laughed and smiled looking at her beautiful face "My name is Amanda" she smiled that smile is so addictive I could look at that smile and never get tired of it.
We talked for hours eventually I drove her home and things just escalated it was the best sex I've had since Evan was born but I know damn well I had to leave the next morning and never speak of this again and never speak to Amanda no matter how much I wanted to. I woke up to the smell of breakfast in Amanda's home unfortunately I won't have time to stay and eat I had to get back home " Good morning William. You look in a hurry what's wrong?" Amanda asked with a concerned look " Ah I must get home to my kids don't want them worried about me and Amanda I'm sorry but I can't do this again I would love to but my family won't like that" I said sighing " William do you have a wife? Did you cheat on her with me!" She said in tears her beautiful face stained with tears "Yes Amanda I do have a wife I'm sorry" I said then closed the door and hearing her scream made me hurry to the car and drove home a little faster than normal.
There she was my wife sat on the porch as I got out of the car I heard her stand and walk to the edge of the porch " Are you here to apologize for not doing those dishes or what fatass " she said her voice making my head hurt and of course she brought my weight into this she always does I make my way to the porch "yes Lora I'm here to apologize for those damn dishes." I sighed as she glared at me " we'll go for it apologize the best you can" Lora said crossing her arms over her chest with I sigh I step closer to her bring her into a hug and start my apology " Lora my darling, light of my life I'm so sorry that I didn't wash the dishes when you asked me to I love you my dear" I finished kissing her on the lips "Ok ok William you big charming man" Lora smiled hugging me that look in her eyes made me think 'what the hell have I done' I thought to myself leaning down and resting my head on loras shoulder.

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