You spent the next two weeks in a flurry of solid activity at work, even over the weekends. The Boys rotated guarding you, except for Suga. He was mostly busy trying to find out who the hell the Black Roses were. They weren't a new Family, not really; old, if anything. But they were definitely new to the Three Cities. You know the Boss spent long, grueling days out checking his sources in the Cities, so even though you missed him, you understood. You were both insanely busy right now, and you were lucky if the two of you were able to find five minutes together.
So you weren't really surprised when Namjoon pulled you to the side and explained that he'd be taking over watching you for a while. He was a lawyer, yes, but he was a Bangtan first: well-versed in the ways of violence, and by extension, protection. So you were genuinely relieved to hear it. As you worked your story, Namjoon was by your side, slipping you advice here, the name of a possible source there. He would've made a fantastic reporter, and you were happy to have him with you. As was Dae. The man couldn't take his eyes off of RM, and made it very, very obvious.
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When you got to work that Thursday, Dae threw himself against you, fake-sobbing when RM walked right by him without a glance. Namjoon took the empty workstation beside yours -- Dae's was on the other side, and there was always a surplus of desks with the turnover of reporters -- and snapped open his briefcase, pulling out a three-inch thick deposition he had to review by Monday. Not that Namjoon didn't enjoy the company of both men and women -- he'd actually told you something to the contrary yesterday -- but your partner just wasn't his type. You laughed and hugged your coworker, ruffling his hair to placate him. He fake-sniffed and rested his head on the curve of your chest, shoulders sagging dramatically.
"He doesn't even notice me. And how the hell do you come to work with all these handsome boys? Are you secretly a Lady of the Night, you sly little thing?" Dae gasped and pulled his head up, looking at you in glee. "You are, aren't you?! Oh, now that would be a hell of a story!" He laughed and clapped his hands. You shook your head, untangling yourself from your cheery friend and picking up a sheaf of papers on your desk, thumbing through them.
"You're being silly again, DaeDae," you said. You noticed that Dae stood looking over your shoulder, bouncing eagerly on his toes. "What are you so hyped up about this morning, anyway? You're not usually this...excitable until after your fifth cup of coffee."
Your partner pulled you up out of your chair -- papers and all-- and turned smartly on his heel. He motioned you to follow him into one of the back rooms. "C'mon, I got a lead on a source who says he knows for a fact one of the voices belongs to someone in the Bangtan Boys!"