Oh the Pain that comes with Eternity

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:P this is Lunar Lurkers fault.

I couldn't get the idea out of my head after we talked so- here it is

Come yell at me on my tumblr: FairyQueenOfTheDragons
Come chat with me on discord: https://discord.gg/TYe6zbm


The Fairy King had been trapped for what felt like an eternity.

He had been trapped in chains, in his body, in his own mind.

He had screamed for years. He had begged for many more. He had been silent for even longer.

Pain like one could not imagine had been inflicted on him, his cries, his whimpers, his pleas, only spurring them on.

He had suffered horrific things, things he would wish on none.

(none but a few)

But he was free now.

His chains were gone and his body his own. He could move and breathe and exist without fear or pain.

For a time that was enough.

For a time he basked in freedom not caring for anything else.

He was vaguely aware of the handmaiden who had cut down the Demon King (who he owed a debt). He was vaguely aware of the dragons who had come to aid them. He was vaguely aware of the decisions being made.

He was acutely aware of when he was led to the prison once more.


His wife, his Queen, the Queen, held him close, whispered reassurance, promised it was no longer a prison, no longer a cage holding his own guards.

He fought, he yelled, he begged, he did everything he'd thought he'd forgotten how.

He was brought inside anyways.

The prison (his prison) was as he had never seen it.

He had been chained since before they entered.

But it was dank, it was dark, it dripped with poison and darkness and cruelty.

Every breath brought to mind his chains.

The Queen, his new jailer, purified a space for him, grew flowers and trees and rose crystal walls much like a room he hadn't seen since before.

But no matter what she did the chains remained.

He had traded one prison for another.


She brought him food and drink and books and anything he could want.

But he didn't want any of it.

All of it sang with life, with light, with purity. He was none of that.

He was not alive, he was not light, he was not pure.

He was a unicorn who had lost his light.

A unicorn without life.

A unicorn without purity.

Unicorns were pure beings, everyone knew that. Where they walked the air cleansed, water glittered, life shone. They brought delight and light and life to all around them. They were not fairies, not beings of life and creation and growth, but they had life of their own that they brought.

He did not.

Where he stepped the ground did not brighten. The air did not refresh the senses. The life around him did not lean towards him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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