Goodbye Freddie

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Freddie POV

I woke up I was alive how is that even possible then I looked around I saw the most handsome man I ever seen in my life

Adam POV

He's now apart of our world to be honest I really didn't want to bring him ...I always saw him being at peace me and my father never had a good relationship with each other that's why I always kept my distance from him even as a child my mother was always there and put us first I have seven other siblings and they don't even get along with our father but I'm the oldest

Adam: that's why your here

Freddie: well this is new

Adam: yes it is ...if you want to go back I can send you back where you can be at peace

Freddie: no it's fine I'm already here

Adam: Alright

Freddie looked in the mirror and he looked like himself back in 1973 he couldn't believe it

Adam: oh by the way your age went backwards

He was shocked to know this things definitely were different where he was at

Adam came to introduce him to everyone expect his father he was truly loved in the village

Freddie was shy but it was going to take time for him to get use to this new life

Many people back home in London were crying and asked Freddie to come back but he couldn't they laid flowers out for him and wrote how special he was to them all even the children

A Week Later

Adam POV

It's been a week since Freddie passed in London but he's getting the use of things here in the village he went for a walk to clear his head for a bit

Freddie POV

Everything happened so quickly I came for a walk to clear my head

He walked around the garden everything was beautiful there he sat down for a few minutes to take everything in this was his life now

A few days went by Freddie got to know Adam a little more he was truly a beautiful person and helped out a lot with the village and showing him around

Freddie wanted to be around Adam more and close as well

Adam POV

It's cute Freddie wants to be around me a lot more and very close

A Few Months Later

Adam POV

Lately I've been sensing a sense of jealousy from Freddie every time a guy approached me he suddenly get jealous and just stared at the person I knew he liked me

Freddie POV

It's been a few months already and I always around Adam but other men come up to him like I'm not standing here

Adam thought it was so cute how Freddie gets jealous but he was so not interested in anyone or the men that come up to him

Someone told Freddie that he needed to tell him about his feelings towards Adam before he loses his chance ...because someone else was interested in him

Adam knew his type and knew what he liked in a man and didn't like at all he knew what it will come to when someone express themselves

Adam: well it's getting late let's go

They weren't dating or anything but it was on Freddie mind

They came home and slept in separate rooms because it was night time

As Freddie was asleep he was deep in thought about how he was going to tell Adam how he felt about him

Adam knew that Freddie will express himself towards him he was just patiently waiting on Freddie to make the first move

A Day Later

Adam POV

I was relaxing and doing yoga in the garden it was so peaceful that's until Freddie came up to me

Freddie POV

I have to do this my feelings are involved I wanted Adam more than anything in the world

Adam: yes

He was so relieved from it all he was so happy that Adam said yes

They came into the palace and his mother wished them a congratulations on the relationship

Next Day

Adam POV

Me and my father never agree on anything he knew that I was bisexual from the start but I don't let it get to me but I am fed up with him and just want him out of my life

Freddie POV

Adam was in the room his mother told me I could tell something was wrong with him

Adam: I'm fine

Freddie: I can tell your not

Adam: me and my dad just had a argument that's all ....

Freddie knew that the argument was about them dating because he heard it and it's crazy how people judge you because of your sexuality with someone

Adam: but I'm fine

Freddie: are you sure

Adam: yes I'll just have to keep my distance from him

Freddie: are you sure

Adam:'s only best

Freddie: alright

Adam knew that it was best to keep his distance from his father they weren't close at all and wasn't present in his childhood so his father missed out on a lot of his childhood

His mother was getting a divorce from him anyway because she was tired of the drama

Adma has been through A lot over the years and he honestly was tired he never told anyone how he truly felt inside only his mother knew what he was going through and suffering as well she it wasn't easy opening up

Freddie knew that he was going through something but he didn't want to make things worse on asking if he wanted to talk about and is going to give him some time to talk about it ...Adam will come around and tell Freddie but right now things needed to die down before he says anything

Nobody in village liked Adam father and were voting out to not be king anymore and to have his title removed permanently

Adam just came to bed and Freddie just stared at him for a minute before going to bed

Next chapter is coming

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2022 ⏰

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