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Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

The morning buzz of Natasha's phone woke her up. Squinting her eyes open she let the rising sun be the first thing she saw. A deep orange mixed with pink and blue was painted throughout the sky, sunrises always tended to be her favorite sight and this was exactly why. The pure elegance of the morning that demanded your attention. Just like her phone. Swiping her hand over bed rest she patted around feeling the vibrations until she picked up the slick black phone.

Incoming call...

Nick Fury

Sliding up on the icons she entered a call with the demanding gruff voice of her boss. "A new mission, sir?" Sighing she pushed herself into a sitting position bringing one leg up to rest her chin on. "How'd you know Romanoff?"  "You don't call any other way." A soft chuckle was shared between the two. "What's up Fury?" She slid off the bed taking off her shirt while the phone was held between her shoulder and cheek.

"We need you to get this information from someone whose supposedly stolen from our database. We doubt it's actually true but something about it just seems off. I want you in and out with no witnesses because if anything it's a lie for attention or a false alarm. Either way Barton will be in the back waiting for if you need any help just give a signal and he'll be beside you."
"Anything else?"
"No, not anything personally I have to tell you, I'll give you the file once you come in."
"Okay fury, see you there."
"Over and out." He saluted ending the line leaving Natasha to silence once again.

She was in the process of sliding her pants on, blue jeans to match with the black top she had found, when Clint started calling her.

Incoming call...


"You've heard about the mission?"
"Sadly." He grumbled out with a tired voice.
"Come on get out of bed we've got a job"
"I know, I know." Clint cried out, "But my beds so comfy and it's probably not even that big deal, nothing good or productive will come out of this. It's 2011, nothing exciting is happening, this won't change any of that."

Clint was right of course, it's December of 2011 the only exciting thing coming was New Years because then maybe 2012 would offer something new. Even so, they still had a job.

"We'll just be in and out and then we can go home. Nothings gonna happen, you're right, so let's go and just prove it was nothing."
Silence came from the other end, then a mocking laughter. "Did you just say I was right?" Clint howled from the other side of the phone so much Natasha had to hold the phone a bit of ways away so she didn't go deaf.
"I'm hanging up."
"Wait no, Natasha, I just wanna hear you say it again. Plea-" And the. Natasha had hung up giggling to herself.

They had gotten closer over time ever since the mission in Budapest. Even though the mission wasn't for the faintest of hearts he had made the best of it, Natasha would never say it aloud but he was actually turning into a friend of hers. It was just something about him that made their connection different then ever before. The mission was definitely not the place to let a friendship bloom but they couldn't stop.

Natasha eventually found herself sitting comfortably in a black leather chair, the opposite of Clint, each of them reading bits and parts of the file they were given. They were at the SHEILD compound now, the drive here was boring and irrelevant.

"We actually have a lot to work with, so yeah this mission definitely isn't worth the time." Clint said which brought up the idea of just ditching it all together but fury would have their necks for that so Natasha opposed.

"So this guy supposedly has our information his is Eliot Weasley. He is a cop and the info is on his computer in the police department, weird but okay. Its the one on the right beside Dunkin' Donuts. Ironic huh. The classic cop and donuts trope. Anyways it's turning night so we should start preparations and knock this out in 20 minutes okay?" Natasha had been nodding along agreeing with Clint.
"Yeah sure why not, get ready." It was starting to feel like they were back in time getting ready for their first mission together: Budapest.

The Budapest mission hung in the back of Natasha's head. A man, a son, a brother. He'd gotten in the way and made himself a target. The point of the mission was to receive intel about hydra. The organization has been on SHEILDs radar for so long and their power is gradually increasing. An apartment complex was supposedly the next meeting location. The apartment was run down and looked to be deserted but some tired people still walked in and out some carrying grocery's others carrying the weight of life.
Henry Shaw.
Clint noticed him first, he spotted them stealing information. He begged to live. He promised not to tell anyone what was happening.
A young man he was, 23 or so maybe. But that didn't matter, he would compromise the mission. Natasha had made his last moments the worst he'd ever live. Clint couldn't stop her, the red rooms brainwashing seem to take control of her, yet Clint still stood by her side and helped her cope.

They built a tribute to Henry Shaw, but nothing they did could change the past.

Eliot Weasley looked like Henry Shaw and it was almost disturbing. They had the same green eyes. As she was twisting the knife into his stomach she remembered the petrified green eyes as they plead with silent words. Tears filled and swept away those emerald eyes like a tsunami. Blood seeped out of his mouth and nose like a sickly sweet honey. His nose was skinny like it held a sophisticated stature and his lips were almost nonexistent, he had to of been British. Yet, when you hear someone scream they all sound the same, screams don't have an accent only pain.

Maybe it's because of her unpaid respects to Henry Shaw did she genuinely agree to do this mission about Elliot Weasley. Maybe it was the urge to say sorry to a look alike. Or maybe she agreed to be with Clint again. No matter what she'd learn from her mistakes and vowed to herself to do better.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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