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Lori was downstairs packing the kid's lunches

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Lori was downstairs packing the kid's lunches. Today they had their usual fruits which consisted of grapes, a tangerine, and banana slices. They also had some chocolate pudding and a birthday cake bear paw.

For their lunch, Lori made them both some noodles, Maria's being spicy and Seriah's being sweet.

I'm currently getting them ready for school but the girls don't want to cooperate.

"I won't let you guys skip ever again if you don't get yourselves up and brush those teeth," I tell them. "I don't need anyone getting cavities"

Maria and Seriyah share a room, they like being around each other. They have this huge bedroom with two hanging beds.

When you walk in and look to the left, it's fully Maria with different shades of blue everywhere. She has a homework desk and aesthetic photos of the sea and sky.

To the right is everything Seriyah with white and grays. She has her own desk where she does homework and paints. She has a strong liking for painting.

She likes plain or modern types of colors while Maria is in love with the ocean so she likes everything blue.

Their bathroom is underground which was kind of odd but it came with the house so whatever. There's a floor door type of thing that opens and you take the ladder downstairs into this room that has four doors. Two for their wardrobes and the other two for their washrooms.

But Maria and Seriyah have a shit load of toys, right across the hall is basically a child's paradise. Toys everywhere and so many items to choose from. I'm kind of jealous.

My girls are definitely spoiled

Maria gets up first with a long sigh and goes to her washroom. "You too Seriyah"

She groans and stomps to her washroom. While they're brushing their teeth, I start picking out their outfits.

For Maria, I chose a navy blue Nike sweatshirt and baggy jeans.

For Seriyah, I chose a brown long-sleeved top with black jeans

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For Seriyah, I chose a brown long-sleeved top with black jeans.

For Seriyah, I chose a brown long-sleeved top with black jeans

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