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You're an aspiring doctor and musician/dancer. You have a job in a local restaurant in the Sabaody Archipelago, Grove seventy-two, as a performer. Your costume is an off-the-shoulder black dress with a red and black high-low lace skirt. As a performer, you always attract a lot of guys by the way you dance and sing. Most of the time, the attention you get is disturbing to you: constant whistling, sexual comments, things that you thought only the Pirate Empress, Boa Hancock, would get, but at least you're getting paid high wages to help towards medical school. Your family is very poor and can't afford to help you out with tuition. You don't have very many family members left; just two knucklehead brothers, Sanji and Sabo. It's already been eight years since the incident in Flevance. Your parents were visiting there on a business trip, and left you and your two brothers at home in Sabaody. They had been gone for a lot longer than they had told you, and by nature, you three started to worry about them. It was just your luck that two weeks into being the nervous wrecks you were, Captain Smoker and Commander Donquixote Rosinante from the Marines showed up at your door.

Smoker: "I regret to inform you all... I-I'm sorry to say that your parents have passed away. There has been an... incident in Flevance where they were visiting."

Hearing Smoker say these words left you frozen in place. Your parents were both famous doctors and you never would've guessed that they'd die so young. They both were barely in their fourties at the time and in excellent health. You decided from that point on, you'd become a doctor just like them, and carry their legacy on your back.
A few weeks into your third year working at the restaurant, you're told by the manager to be especially aware if you are to be going out alone. There's an abnormal amount of pirates visiting Sabaody this week, and being as talented and beautiful as you are, you have a higher chance of being kidnapped and sold in the Human Shop. Of those pirates, all eleven Supernovas have been spotted today in Sabaody.

Y/N: "Hey there might be more customers, though."

You normally aren't that optimistic but something clicks in you that makes you say that. You're right. Tonight, the restaurant is the fullest you've seen in years. Peeking through the curtain before your show, you look into the crowd to see if you can recognize anyone from the Wanted Posters you've seen. Too bad the audience is very dimly lit from backstage, and you will have to wait until performing to find out.

Shakky: "It's show time, Y/N!"

Your friend (and "adoptive mother" figure), Shakky, has always been there to hype you up before shows. As soon as you walk out, you hear those dogs whistling at you, as if you actually care about their attention. You began to sing Trip by Ella Mai. You have known this song by heart for years and finally are able to perform it after such a long time. As you sing, you have a tendency to scan the audience for familiar faces. You look out and see Vice Admiral Smoker in the audience, the one marine you can count on for anything. You and Smoker have been close since your parents died eight years ago. You decide that you will go up to him after the show and talk to him. He did kinda take care of you and check up on you from time to time, even if you didn't want him to, for a long while. Commander Rosi used to but he just disappeared after a while. You also haven't seen Smoker in about six months and even though he didn't know this, you were falling hard for this man. Searching the audience some more, you come across a vaguely familiar face. You've seen him from a Wanted Poster but can't remember his name this moment. He has black hair with a matching colored goatee and sports a white hat with black spots on it. He's sitting at a table with what you think is a polar bear and two other guys who don't seem to be super strong.

Wait... isn't that... holy shit that's Trafalgar Law!

~The Doctor's Apprentice~ Law x Fem. Reader Where stories live. Discover now