You met up with Dae on Thursday to run down the final leads before the two of you were going to publish your story. Thankfully, Namjoon had been right, and you'd fingered some Chinese mobsters as the other party, leaving Jimin completely out of the story. You partner grinned and laughed, making a heart with his hands as he scampered along the docks ahead of you, flitting from stall to stall, making you trot to keep up.
"C'mon, we're almost there! Let's go, Gorgeous!" Dae skipped down the boardwalk, grabbing your hand and dragging you along behind him.
"I'm coming!" You flicked a glance behind you, noticing that Jin and your other two Bangtan escorts were falling further behind. You nibbled on your lower lip; you were sure they could keep up and be inconspicuous about it. "Okay, Dae! Lead the way!"
It was the busiest time of day at the beach, and throngs of people crowded the boardwalk's shops. Dae dragged you along, easily slipping between the lines and crowds with a fluidity you envied. He had set up a meeting with a source underneath one of the piers, and you were excited to finally be nearing the end of this pain-in-the-ass story.
You were just as eager as your partner was to end this, though for obviously different reasons. The crowd parted, letting you and your partner through, and it closed behind you, blocking your eye-line of Jin and the other two Bangtan members. You frowned and tugged lightly on Dae's hand, but the taller man pulled you effortlessly along behind him.
"Dae, hold on," you said, "I can't see Jin anymore."
"Oh, he'll catch up, don't worry! Come on, we can't be late!" You grunted as Dae urged you into a fast trot, pulling you farther from your escort. Your phone buzzed in your pocket, and you pulled it out, squinting down at the screen as you unlocked it.
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Sighing, you slipped it back into the pocket of your skirt and allowed Dae to drag you along, a bemused smile on your face. Your partner was like a little kid in his exuberance to get the final piece of this story nailed down. You envied him and his excitement; you were perhaps a bit jaded, after being a reporter for so long. It was good that he was still bright-eyed and bushy tailed. Dae dodged a man pushing along a cart of fruits, jerking your arm and making you twist on your heel. He caught you in his arms just as you began to stumble, grinning down at you.
"Almost there! Let's go!
You stood panting, your hands on your knees as you tried to catch your breath. Jesus, that boy can move. Sucking in a breath of air, you straightened and looked around, a slight frown marring your face.
"Dae? This isn't pier 11, is it? And where's your source?" You blinked. There were four men standing on either side of the pier's underbelly, some eight feet away from you and your partner. You felt your heart skip a beat as you met your partner's eyes. "Who are these guys?"
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"Mmm," Dae hummed, trapping his index finger between his teeth and shrugging. "Sorry, Gorgeous. There's been a...change of plans." He smiled and winked down at you. Your stomach flipped, a knot forming in your guts. "If you'd be so kind as to follow me, I promise no harm will come to Jin and the others if you don't make a scene." Dae pulled out his phone and flipped it, showing you a live video covered your mouth, tears stinging the corners of your eyes.
Why, Dae?
The barrel of a gun was pointed directly between Jin's shoulder blades as the Bangtan hurried through the crowd, the other two members on either side of him. All three were unaware they were being followed, focused solely on finding you. You took in a shaky breath and swallowed around the lump in your throat, forcing down the panic and tears.
Time for that later. For now...focus on staying alive and getting a message to the Boys. You wrapped the fingers of your right hand around your left wrist, pressing the upper button on your smart watch three times in less than a second. With any luck, the emergency signal Tae installed would start broadcasting your location to his computer immediately, and the Boys would find you.
"A-Alright, Dae. No need for anyone to get hurt, right? I'll come quietly, I promise." You licked your lips and frowned as the four men closed around you and Dae in a tight guard formation. You flicked a glare up at your partner. "Who are you? And why all of this?" You waved a hand at the men.
"Let's just say I've had my eye on you for a good while, pretty lady," he replied, grinning and taking your arm in his own. He patted your hand and it took everything you had not to flinch away. Your mind was still reeling at this turn of events as you and the five men moved off, down the beach and towards a Jeep that sat idling on the sand.
"I knew if I earned your trust, it'd only be a matter of time until I could get you alone and whisk you away from under the noses of the Bangtan Boys." Seeing your eyebrows raise, Dae nodded, chuckling. "Oh, come on. Of course I knew you were with them. It's basically common knowledge in the streets, love."
"I...I don't..." you shook your head, swallowing. Should you try and fight your way out? You had a pocket knife in your purse. But, no. Jin...if he was hurt again because of you, maybe even couldn't bear it. You closed your eyes, squared your shoulders, and lifted your chin. "Where are you taking me, Dae?"
"Where?" The man cocked his head, looking down at you. A wide smile spread across his features. "Why, home, of course."
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ's ɴᴏᴛᴇ:: Say WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!?! Did anyone see this coming?! ♥