You and the remaining Boys had rented a hotel suite, where you had been holed up for the last three days. Jimin was in the ICU, with a very severe concussion, broken ribs, shattered shoulder, and burns to his lungs. He was lucky he was alive; apparently, part of the house had fallen on him while he was running in, trying to save regulars and pulling them out.
You sighed and rested your head on your hand, looking out the window with dull eyes. The EMT's had patched you and the other Boys up. Thankfully, the shot to your calf had been a through-and-through, but you still needed crutches to hobble around on. And all seven of you had inhaled more smoke than was good for you. Even now, you were coughing up black phlegm, and you knew you weren't the only one.
Taehyung fell into the armchair next to yours, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees, hissing in a breath. He'd broken three ribs from being shot; thankfully the Kevlar had caught the bullet, but it still left him tender and sore. A green and purple bruise radiated out from his lower left flank, and you winced earlier in the evening when he'd stripped off his shirt for you to help change his bandages. V licked his lips and glanced over at you, his dark eyes sad.
"Hey, love," he said.
"Hey, V," you replied. "How's the ribs?"
"Same as earlier. How's the leg?" He quirked a small, sad little boxy smile at you.
"Same as earlier," you managed a pale imitation of a smile back.
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"Yeah. Namjoon wanted me to let you know that Jimin's doing a little better. The doctors say he should wake up within the month," V said, nodding and reaching out, grabbing your hand and giving it a squeeze. "Thought you'd wanna know. And Yoongi said he needs to talk to you when you get a minute."
"Okay. Thanks, Tae," you said. He nodded and you offered him a soft smile. "How's life without your hacker's den?"
"Oh, God, don't remind me," he groaned, burying his head in his hands. "I don't know what to do with myself when I don't have three computers around me. Thankfully Suga bought me a new laptop yesterday, but we need a more...permanent headquarters so we can get things back to somewhat normal." He shrugged and ran his hand through his hair, tipping his head back with a light sigh.