A Dainty Night(Prologue)

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||Varay Aurae||

I leaned on the railings of the balcony. It was rather somber in here, but I enjoy solitude. I hope mother doesn't mind me being absent from the ball this evening, I only liked the wine of the party anyways.

I quietly sipped the glass of wine I had in my hand as my mind begins to drift.

"Pardon the intrusion." A man said as he enters the balcony with me.

"Don't worry, the balcony is big enough for the two of us," I replied to the man.

He looked like any noble in this continent, a man dressed for the occasion with his silver hair combed neatly framing his face further emphasizing the sharp gaze of his golden eyes. He was certainly, regal.

"And what's a princess like you doing here alone?" He asked me.

"I like being alone sometimes, I guess socializing isn't my thing." I turned to him to answer his question.

"I also don't like being in the limelight, I prefer being hidden and minding my own business." He said shaking the glass of wine he has in his hand before taking a sip.

"If your intentions are that, then why are you here?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"The wine here is good, besides I also have some and potential associates attending the event." He responded to my question.

I chuckled catching his attention.

"Looks like you and I have the same taste in liquor." He smirked.

"So it would seem. If you're not here for the party that must mean you're a merchant trying to mingle with current and potential clients." I assumed his way of life, based solely on two phrases that he said.

"Indeed I am, milady."

He looked impressed.

"What? Never seen a smart girl?" I retorted, the alcohol must've got me I'm usually not this open.

"I've met a lot of people, foolish and wise," He replied to me "But none have been as elegant as you."

"It will take a lot more than that to impress me. But I do admire the flattery." I applauded his effort.

"Well, I do suppose the wine will keep us company as we talk."

We continued on various topics and some life stories, it was a long time since I've had a decent conversation that doesn't involve politics or diplomatic relationships within families. It was just me and a man curious enough to know about each other.

"Looks like my drink is empty, care to spare a bottle?" The man joked as he drank the last drops from his cup.

"What makes you think that I have one?" I questioned him.

"If you enjoy a glass of wine so much why not get a bottle of it?"

Damn, he got me.

I pulled out a bottle of the same wine from my dimensional storage ring with a defeated sigh. So much for keeping a 'lady-like' image.

"Would you be so kind as to give me a glass, milady?" He requested.

"It would usually be the man to fill the woman's cup." I quipped.

"Alright, you win." He said as he pulled out a bottle of wine causing me to giggle. He poured wine on my emptied wine glass before filling his own.

"You sure are full of surprises." I complimented him as I took a big gulp.

We continued to talk and it felt like time was moving slow. It didn't take that long until I felt the alcohol intoxicate me, and he was looking very handsome the more I drink.

"I think we should end our discussion here in the meantime. you're already showing signs of being a little tipsy for your good." He poked my nose.

He then apprehended my glass and bottle of wine, making me pout.

"You're not my father give that back!" I demanded as I reached for the bottle he was still holding.

"Now, now. That's not how a woman must act in front of a stranger let alone a mere merchant." He lectured me which brought back some of my senses.

He's right this isn't like me, I flushed and turned my back to him resulting in him laughing.

"This is quite embarrassing, please forget about what happened a while Il go." I want to propel my head to a wall so bad.

"And if you really are a mere merchant, then you would've had enough influence and power to be invited to a celebration like this." I recomposed myself, a mere merchant you're too humble.

"It's quite honestly cute, one second you're a composed woman, the next you act like someone else. Quite intriguing what alcohol does to a person don't you think?" He made a tightly smile as he stored my bottle of wine in his ring.

"So you waited for me to become drunk before flirting with me again? All right you win." I giggled as I leaned closer to him.

"Princess, you do realize that making out with a stranger would cause quite a scandal in high society." He reminded me holding my shoulders and nudging me an inch away from him.

"You drive a hard bargain. Tell me what is it that you really want?" I quickly tried to recompose myself as I asked him that question.

"Well I have a lot of things that I desire. A merchant never stops trading until he dies, deals are proposed, either rejected or accepted and bonds are forged, goods are transported rinse and repeat. It was nice knowing you Lady Varay, but unfortunately duty calls." He continued, clicking his tongue and turning to walk away from the balcony.

"Wait! Before you go, please tell me your name." I managed to grab his hand.

He smirked as he turned around to face me.

"It appears that I have caught the attention of the eldest daughter of the Aurae household." He said with a proud tone.

"I am, @#$%, at your service." He said kissing my hand that grabbed his before bowing.

What was his name?

I can't hear it, can't say it.

"Milady are you okay?" He asked me with a concerned face.

"I'm fine, it's just..."

"VARAY!" I heard mother's voice.

Immediately I bolted up of my bed with a cold sweat.

"Good morning, it appears that you were enjoying your dream." From the corner of my room I heard mother.

"It was nothing mother, no more than a dream of me slaying monsters." I dismissed.

"A mother knows when her daughter is lying. But if you insist that, then head downstairs right now, young lady." It was as if she was holding a laugh with her usual façade.

"Yes, mother." I complied as I quickly got out of bed.

Was it a dream? But it felt so real, like it was going to happen to me.





"Milady, is there something wrong with the food?" My maid asked me, I didn't even notice I was spacing out.

"I'm fine. I just had something in my mind." I replied to her and continued eating.

"I see, if it is okay for me to ask, what did you dream about?" She asked me.

"Jaime, I don't even know myself."

"Why is that, milady?" She asked me.

"I don't even know if it was a dream, it all felt too real, too vivid." I replied, before continuing to eat my meal.

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