Among the Petals - 5.

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Once again, I was there infront of the sink, watching as the blood and flowers slowly went down the drain, before Licorice notified me about our task. Apparently we have to destroy the yogurt village or something. I didn't really focus when Dark enchantress cookie was giving out what we have to attack.

He grabbed me by my arm and pulled me all the way to the place, all while ranting about how we might be late, even though there is nothing to be late to, but whatever.

When we got there, I doubted my own eyes for a great second. Dark enchantress wanted us to destroy THIS?

It was beautiful. The entire village was covered in flowers which seemed to be placed carelessly, a big sakura tree in the very center.

- "Come on, dummy! It's not the time for daydreaming, we have to destroy this town or whatever!"

- "Hm? Oh yeah yeah, sorry, Lico!"

- "Glad to see you not lost in your thoughts for once. Anyways, I think for our plan to be actually efficent we should bla bla bla bla-"

Honestly, I couldn't focus on his words whatsoever. They all faded into gibberish.

But, wouldn't this be the best place to... do it? To confess? I mean, its lovely and all. Better than randomly going up to him and asking.

Besides, imagine how romantic this place is at night!

- "And then we should- Hey, you're not even listening!"


This is by far the shortest chapter, I ran out of ideas lowkey

thanks for reading btw

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